By: Obi Chuku
What is the problem? Homelessness throughout the county of Merced? What is homelessness? Why choose this problem to present a proposal to?
Reasons for Homelessness Substance Abuse Mental Illness Lack of education Lack of affordable housing Poor economy Budget cuts leading to unemployment Poverty/ low wage earnnings
Proposal Implement several effective strategies to fight against homelessness. Improving the quality of life for homeless.
Ideas Continue the 10 year plan Raise awareness to the issue Get the community and school involved Develop emergency shelters Begin housing programs.
How will the plan be carried out Adamantly work towards reducing the homeless population. Make people care about the issue. Gather data. Having the community involved in the effort to end the problem. Supportive service.
Ultimate Mission Develop an effective system of strategies to help end homelessness in Merced. Get the community aware of the issue of homelessness. Reduce homeless population in Merced.