Women in Leadership Elizabeth Koff Secretary, NSW Health Calvary Executive Conference 1 November 2018 Elizabeth Koff Secretary, NSW Health
NSW Health System NSW Health is the major provider of health services to 7.5 million people in NSW. NSW Health’s expenses budget is 27% of total NSW Government expenditure ($21.6 billion in 2017/18). 115,000 full-time equivalent staff 228 public hospitals providing services A typical day: 17,000 people spend the night in a public hospital 6,500 people are seen in public hospital emergency departments 5,600 people are admitted to a public hospital 270 babies are born 1,000 patients have their surgery (emergency or planned) performed in public hospitals
Functions of the Secretary Operates under the Health Administration Act 1982 and Health Services Act 1997 Provides strategic leadership direction and regulation of NSW Health Reports to the Premier NSW Reports to Minister for Health & Medical Research and Minister for Mental Health
Functions of the Secretary
Key Challenges Power Politics Press
The men in suits
“Police hunt ‘fake’ doctor as Health Minister can’t say if the impostor performed surgery” JASON TIN and ROSE BRENNAN, The Daily Telegraph
The Pathway to this Role Not linear, a couple of career cul-de-sacs Deliver what you are asked to deliver and don’t be looking for the next position Develop strong and enduring networks – mentorship and guidance are important Ultimately you decide “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” Thomas Jefferson
Personal Experience and Reflections I think I can is good enough What you think of me is none of my business Shit happens - get over it and move on Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is promised to no one, all you have is now Nobody gets there alone Don’t wear the coat too tight There is no right way to do the wrong thing Hope is not a plan When you are going through hell, keep going If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.
Personal Wellbeing