Reform leads to Terror.


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Presentation transcript:

Reform leads to Terror

Olympe De Gouges Declaration of Rights of Man did NOT apply to Women 1791 She wrote the: Declaration of the Rights of Women

Church and State National Assembly took control of the Church Sold Church property to help pay debt Clergy became state employees

Louis XVI tries to RUN Louis XVI tries to ESCAPE to Austria (June 1791) He is caught and put under house arrest

National Assembly Write Constitution Create Limited Monarchy

Legislative Assembly Formed in 1791under new constitution Had power to pass laws and approve or prevent wars the King declared Louis XVI loses most power

What are Political Parties

Factions of the Legislative Assembly Radicals Moderates Conservatives Opposed King & Monarchy Demanded a Republic Favored minor changes Favored a limited monarchy

Legislative Assembly Declares War on Austria Radicals wanted to expand French Revolution to all of Europe Austria & Prussia thought it could help Louis XVI warned France NOT to hurt the KING

Anarchy in Paris As the Prussian troops approached Paris-- people rioted & murdered prisoners The Legislative Assembly dissolved itself and proposed new elections They said the King was “deposed”

National Convention New power in France Declared France a Republic Paris is ruled by mob-rule

Maximilien Robespierre Assumes leadership of Jacobins Sought to create a “Republic of Virtue” Slowly gained power