O what will you do with Jesus? The call comes low and sweet,


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Presentation transcript:

O what will you do with Jesus? The call comes low and sweet, As tenderly He bids you Your burdens lay at His feet; O soul so sad and weary, That sweet voice speaks to thee; Then what will you do with Jesus? O what shall the answer be? What shall the answer be? What will you do with Jesus? 1-3 Words by Nathaniel Norton / Music by George C. Stebbins

O what will you do with Jesus? The call comes loud and clear; The solemn words are sounding In ev‘ry list’ning ear; Immortal life’s in the question, And joy thru eternity; Then what will you do with Jesus? O what shall the answer be? What shall the answer be? What will you do with Jesus? 2-3

O think of the King of Glory From heav’n to earth come down, O What Will You Do With Jesus? O think of the King of Glory From heav’n to earth come down, His life so pure and holy, His death, His cross, His crown; Of His divine compassion, His sacrifice for thee; Then what will you do with Jesus? O what shall the answer be? What shall the answer be? What will you do with Jesus? 3-3