Chemistry Unit: Chapter 3


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Presentation transcript:

Chemistry Unit: Chapter 3 Atomic Structure

Timeline of the Atomic Structure

What is the current structure of an atom?

What is the current structure of an atom? Protons Positive (+) Charge Located in the nucleus Do not change in numbers

What is the current structure of an atom? Neutrons Neutral (0) Charge Located in the nucleus Able to change numbers

What is the current structure of an atom? Electrons Negative (-) Charge Located in the electron cloud Able to change numbers

What is the current structure of an atom? **Number of Protons and Electrons equal each other** In a Neutral Atom Example:

Atomic number It is the number of protons Every element has a unique atomic number. Ex. Carbon / atomic number = 6 / number of protons = ______ Nitrogen / atomic number = 7 / number of protons = ______ Oxygen / atomic number = 8 / number of protons = ______ 6 7 8

Atomic mass It is the mass of an atom Atomic mass = # protons + # neutrons # neutrons = ___________ - ____________ Ex. Carbon has an atomic mass of 12 and an atomic number of 6 _____ - _____ = # neutrons = ____ Atomic Mass Atomic Number 12 6 6

Atomic mass It is the mass of an atom Atomic mass = # protons + # neutrons # neutrons = ___________ - ____________ Ex. Bromine has an atomic mass of 80 and an atomic number of 35 _____ - _____ = # neutrons = ____ Atomic Mass Atomic Number 80 35 45

Reading Atomic Number and Atomic Mass on the Periodic Table

Isotopes The number of neutrons for an element can vary Atoms with the same # or protons but different # of neutrons are called isotopes They are identified by their atomic mass Ex. Carbon 12: _____ protons and _____ neutrons Carbon 13: _____ protons and _____ neutrons Carbon 14: _____ protons and _____ neutrons 6 6 6 7 6 8