Secondary Economic Activity This PowerPoint presentation has been downloaded from Presentation written by Keith Kelly. © Copyright Springer Nature Ltd 2018.
First … 1. Do exercise 1 on the worksheet: label the diagram. 2. Do exercise 2 on the worksheet: match the pictures with the correct caption.
Next 3. Look at the following picture slides.
All manufacturing industries can be seen as a system which contains inputs, processes and outputs. The main task of the manufacturing system is to put together all the raw materials and anything else needed to make the manufactured product. These things are called the inputs of the system.
The system then processes or changes some of the inputs.
The processed inputs then become the outputs of the system The processed inputs then become the outputs of the system. The outputs of industry include manufactured products, by-products and any wastes that are produced by the manufacturing process.
The outputs are then taken to relevant markets, where the products are sold.
The money earned from the sale of the products either goes back into the business to buy more raw materials or to provide other inputs, or it appears as profit on the company’s balance sheet.
Now … 4. Do exercise 3 on the worksheet, match the parts of sentences.
Presentation 5. Use the PPT template to practice talking about secondary economic activity. In pairs, take turns, one talks the other listens, then swap roles. In groups, use the template to help you prepare a presentation on the secondary economic activity.