Cheryl Howard RN Ferris State University 2012 ** Audio available only on slides #1 and #5 due to Weebly data upload limits **
S ERVICE L EARNING Ferris State University BSN program requirement Important component of professional nursing program Practical experience utilizing classroom learning Enhances participant and community Focus on: o Critical, reflective thinking o Civic and personal responsibility (FSU, 2012) (Robinson, 2011) (NSLC, 2012)
Agency Mission To promote the health, welfare & independence of senior citizens in Ogemaw County (OCOA, 2011)
O GEMAW C OMMISSION ON A GING (OCOA) Agency Role o Home Based and Center based services for older adults ages 60 and older. o Respite Care, personal care, homemaking & home delivered meals o Congregate meals, socialization programs, Medicare/Medicaid assistance, tax credits, support groups and adult day services Agency Background o Founded in 1974 o Funded by donations, local millage, state & federal grants o New building in 2011 o 4 administrative staff & 9 service workers (OCOA, 2011)
P ERSONAL V OLUNTEER R OLE Center based activities Education and health promotion Blood pressure monitoring S TUDENT A CTIVITIES Blood pressure clinics Twice monthly education sessions Osteoporosis Vitamin Supplements Food Safety Blood Pressure Sodium and Nutrition Diabetes Management
S ERVICE L EARNING E XPERIENCE Initial Thoughts o Geriatric experience Assumptions o Straightforward project o open minded subjects Information Attained o Personal touch is more effective o Letting participant lead
S ERVICE L EARNING E XPERIENCE Changes to Thought Process Regarding Agency o Under-utilized resource Service Learning in General o Wonderful learning experience
E LEMENTS OF R EASONING Point of View o Unique perspectives Concepts o Flexibility o Stereotypes Interpretation o Simple vs. Complex o Personal connection Implications o Commission on aging as a resource o Benefit of health professional presence o Consider participants as individuals vs. stereotypes with group teaching (US Census, 2012)
Understanding of nursing concepts Practice with skills Education Health promotion Population based nursing Global perspective Value of Volunteering Vulnerable populations Sense of accomplishment
BSN P ROGRAM O UTCOMES Collaborative Leadership "Provide collaborative leadership roles in the provision, delegation, and supervision of nursing care while retaining accountability for patient safety and the quality of that care." Theoretical Base for Practice " Integrate theories and knowledge from the arts, humanities, sciences and nursing to develop a foundation for nursing practice." Generalist Nursing Practice "Organize the interdisciplinary health care needs of diverse populations across the lifespan toward achieving the goal of healthy individuals, families, groups and communities." Scholarship for Practice "Assimilate current evidence into the practice of nursing." Health Care Environment "Advocate for healthcare across the continuum of health care environments." Professionalism "Demonstrate a level of professionalism that is congruent with the inherent values, ethics, and behaviors of the discipline of nursing." (Ferris, 2011)
P OSSIBLE F UTURE S ERVICE L EARNING P ROJECT Highly recommended Older adults are growing population Community resource awareness Practice skills & apply theories Ongoing volunteer opportunity
Ferris State University [FSU]. (2012). Handbook for undergraduate student nurses. Retrieved from BSN/Handbook-for-Undergrad-Nursng-Students-2012.pdf Jett, K. (2012). Theories of Aging. In T. A. Touhy & K. Jett, Toward healthy aging (8th ed., pp ). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. National Service Learning Clearinghouse [NSLC]. (2012). What is service learning? Retrieved from is-service-learning Ogemaw Commission on Aging. (2011). Retrieved from coa/ index.php Robinson, G. (2011). Service learning. Retrieved from American Association of Community Colleges website: Resources/ aaccprograms/ horizons/ Pages/ default.aspx US Census Bureau. (2012, September 18). Ogemaw County, Michigan. Retrieved from