Pre-k Activities CHD 265 By Najebah Haidary
Sorting Game and Picture Walk activity I chose this activity “sorting animals in different categories” because it is meaningful and fun. Additionally, I wanted an activity that the older preschoolers could understand and interact with. This activity gives children an opportunity to make decisions, reflect on various alternatives, and work cooperatively. Also, the activity make children feel competent and successful. I chose the picture walk activity because the activity has countless learning potential and will adapt easily to children’s age and ability. The picture walk activity also helps children with their thinking , language, listening, and literacy skills.
Sorting Animals into Categories
Picture Walk Activity
Butterfly Dance and Puzzling Art I provided a physical education to the students by having them pretend to be butterflies. This activity encouraged children to do movements , and have control over their body parts. This activity encouraged cooperation too. I chose the puzzling art activity because it helps children with their fine motor skills, as well as with their cognitive, social, and spatial skills. The puzzling art activity boosts children’s math, science, and art skills too. I kept in mind that each student is on a different development level, and I had a visual cue hanging on the window for the ones that needed how to sort the pictures.
Life Cycle of Butterfly (cut, paste, and coloring activity)
Reflection Teachers are learners. I believe in this phrase. When I planed my lessons I though everything would go well, but after reflecting on how my day went, I found out that there were things I liked and things that needed to be changed. When working with children, I learned that I should plan well, be organized, and that it is always best to have a backup plan. The first lesson, sorting animals in different categories and the picture walk activity went well. I was surprised at how well this lesson plan got children into the discussion. The students were very receptive to the lesson and participated very well. The students were able to understand and do the activities without much guidance. The first activity went very well and it is one that I would use again, if I was to teach this lesson again. At first, I was a little concerned that I would have to lead most of the discussion in these activities. I also wasn’t sure if the students would make the appropriate distinctions and connections, but they really did. The children used the knowledge that they gained from the book and responded well to some of my questions about the life stages of a butterfly at the end of picture walk and reading activity. The second activity, butterfly dance went well too. The students really enjoyed the activity and were really enthusiastic about it. The only thing that I would change if I do this activity again, is that I would make more room for students to do the motions freely without being so crowded on the floor.
Reflection continued The next lesson was an activity about the life cycle of butterfly. I had the student to cut the pictures from the pre-printed puzzle sheets that I provided them. Then the students had to sort, and color the pictures on to the construction papers. Most of the students were able to identify the pictures, paste them in order, and color the pictures. There were only few that needed a little help. Of all the lessons I taught, this one was by far the one that I would change a lot if I had to teach this lesson again. I focused on the fine motor skills of children through an art and science activity. With an art lesson, there are so many details to sort out. This activity was too easy for children of that age. They needed a more challenging activity. I could have broken every stage up into more challenging and fun projects. I also recognized that I wasn’t offering much assistance to each group; since there were two other teachers helping children. If I were to do this lesson again, I would make it more challenging and fun for students. In addition, when working with children, educators should know that every child develops differently, and they should plan based on children‘s needs and interests. The class that I implement my lessons with had special needs children, therefore I had a visual cues ready during the cut and paste activity for them to follow those directions as well while I helped one of them one-on-one. I had not ever taught a lesson in such setting. I learned a lot and I will adapt for next lessons that I would do in future. Overall, I was pleased with the lessons and how well the students reflected and participated in the discussion and activities.