Power Point Instructions Save this to your computer as: PPT-your name Use this template to create your presentation. It includes all the basic slides you should have. From the Design Tab on the navigation bar, pick a background of your choosing. Read the Handbook on what you need to do for this assignment and for resources on how to create a Power Point presentation. Cover your topic you chose to present on. Have fun! Delete this slide once you have completed reading it. bcjung Copyright 2016-2019
Chapter xxxx Topics: xxxxx Your name PCH 201 Wellness Section xx
Introduction Name Your major Some of your favorite things Dream you would like to achieve in your life Secret Talent
Outline 2-5 bullets of the topics you will be covering
Content Slides 8 to 12 slides about what you are covering for a 7 to 9 minute presentation Don’t forget to cite the sources you used for the content and any graphics you include.