Title of Presentation Poster Directions Headline Headline For more information, contact: Name Institution address Phone number Email address Name(s) of Presenter(s) University or College, City, State Poster Directions Getting started: Click on a text box to add text as desired, you can change colors, add a background color, etc. Resize text boxes as needed by clicking and dragging the squares at the corners and edges of the text box. You can cut and paste text from MS Word, if desired Make sure people will be able to read your text. Fix your bullet points to look clean and neat. DO NOT put the Hope logo inside a box. If you need a different Hope logo, go to the following link below: https://hope.edu/offices/public-affairs- marketing/downloadable-logos.html select .PNG format for transparent background. View the text, photos and graphs on the poster at 100% on the computer screen to make sure quality is good. If you have questions or need assistance, please visit the TechLab at Van Wylen Library. Methods: When you submit your poster for printing, be sure to select the correct size to print. Your document should be the size you print. Under Design menu, select page setup for dimensions. Results: When sending the poster to print through CAMPUS PRINT, please be sure to select the correct size of the poster. If you have a department paying for the printing of the poster, please enter the fund number in the work order. Sample graphic, picture, etc To add an image, go to Insert, and select the appropriate option. You can delete the above chart as desired and replace with graphs, charts, and tables from other MS programs; you can also insert images. Analysis Below is another sample chart Results Headline Qui si num sumqui cum idunt. Atius quasitiunt quidestia nullaborios ut plaborumquid molorep eliberrum litatem corepe et eatumet mo venda net maximporro ommoluptat. Qui antet et aliquam fugitate rero maximaxime nus aut denihic illautenda. Limitations: quossimus acim es ut evenda eius magnis pro ut que eumquae ilis dit excerum eium, officipsa nonseria cum verum sit voluptae sum nobiscia expliquam, sitatiis autem. consed et restis excepel Headline Qui si num sumqui cum idunt. Atius quasitiunt quidestia nullaborios ut plaborumquid molorep eliberrum litatem corepe et eatumet mo venda net maximporro ommoluptat. Qui antet et aliquam fugitate rero maximaxime nus aut denihic illautenda. Limitations: quossimus acim es ut evenda eius magnis pro ut que eumquae ilis dit excerum eium, officipsa nonseria cum verum sit voluptae sum nobiscia expliquam, sitatiis autem. consed et restis excepel Conclusions: essiminulpa pe ped mo eturior rerspiendam voore. Aliquis duciaerumque sincias et et facea quos is dolum dolessumas mo quis voloreped quo exeruptatur min nosam quam aut labo. dellacc uptaque alibus doluptae delitianis doluptatem. Et et as Ita impore doles magnatio derchitatur audandi sit eos que sedist. Implications: essiminulpa pe ped mo eturior rerspiendam neem. Aliquis duciaerumque sincias et et facea quos is dolum.