Egypt G.R.A.P.E.S. TCAP Review
Geography of Egypt Northern Africa Nile River flows south to north into a delta (fertile soil) and then to the Mediterranean Sea Lower and Upper Egypt Red Sea to the East of the Nile Africa is mostly deserts keeping Egypt isolated Nile has predictable flooding, cataracts (cliffs and boulders)
Religion of Egypt Polytheistic=many gods and goddesses pharaoh (king) are gods in human form, gods can also take animal form Believed in an afterlife- needed to preserve body for the afterlife= mummies Gods/Goddesses: Re- sun god; Hapi- river god; Osiris- god of farming/laws/dead; Isis-goddess (wife and mother)- world of dead; Thoth-god of learning Book of the Dead- prepares Egyptians for the challenges of the afterlife
Achievements of Egypt Built pyramids-burial place sphinx, mummies irrigation- shadoof, basins papyrus- used to make boats, sandals, paper hieroglyphics- written language (pictures/ sound symbols) granaries- store grain embalming- to preserve bodies for afterlife 1st medical books Math- fractions
Politics of Egypt Monarchy/Theocracy- king (pharaoh); political and religious leader Dynasty- same family rules for many generations Upper and Lower Egypt were once divided until Pharaoh Narmer (Menes) conquered lower Egypt, married a princess, and united them into 1 empire. Wore the double crown (red/white). Starts 1st Dynasty in Egypt; capital is Memphis.
Politics of Egypt Fall: empire becomes weak, many wars Time Periods Old Kingdom: Menes; King Khufu builds great pyramids of Giza; mummies Middle Kingdom: Capital-Thebes; added Nubia as territory; Valley of the Kings= tombs cut into limestone cliffs; Hyksos invade and conquer Egypt New Kingdom: Ahmose overthrows Hyksos; Queen Hatshepsut- dressed as a man, temples, monuments, built trade); Thutmose III conquers Nubia (again) and up to Mesopotamia; Amenhotep IV- monotheistic (1 god), people disliked this!!; His son King Tutankhamen- polytheistic, died young, tomb undisturbed; Ramses II- temple of Karnak Fall: empire becomes weak, many wars
Politics of Egypt Nubia= Kush Empire South of the Egyptian Empire in the savannah (grasslands) Kingdom of Kerma- agriculture and gold Trade with Egypt and S. Africa (cattle, gold, ivory, giraffes, leopards, slaves); as far as Arabia, India, China Built tombs for kings- not as big as pyramids in Egypt Conquered by Egypt a few times, then overthrew Egypt Capital Napata; shared many gods and culture with Egypt Capital move to Meroe after Assyrians invade
Economics of Egypt Trade Routes: Nile River, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea Trade with: Arabia, E. Africa; beads, ivory, gold, ebony wood, incense; needed wood-traded with Phoenicians (1st sound symbol relationship alphabet!)- had purple dye, furniture. Barter= trade Slaves could earn freedom
Social Structure of Egypt Kids did not go to school much; learned parents jobs Women could own property Social hierarchy: Pharaoh (king) Priests (gov't officials), nobles Traders, artisans, scribes Farmers/ herders Unskilled workers/slaves *Ambitious people could improve their social class status with hard work