Warm Up May 2, 2011 As you listen to the lyrics to this song, jot down some of the problems that are being discussed. What is the purpose of this song?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up May 2, 2011 As you listen to the lyrics to this song, jot down some of the problems that are being discussed. What is the purpose of this song? Be prepared to share your responses! http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/Black+Eyed+Peas/Where+Is+The+Love%3F--2157451

Standards SSCG7 The student will describe how thoughtful and effective participation in civic life is characterized by obeying the law, paying taxes, serving on a jury, participating in the political process, performing public service, registering for military duty, being informed about current issues, and respecting differing opinions.

Why is it important for citizens to be engaged in civic life? Essential Question Why is it important for citizens to be engaged in civic life?

Activator We will now watch a Brainpop movie called Citizenship. Be prepared to take the review quiz upon watching movie.

Work Period What is Civic Action? Before we begin let’s make sure we understood some key vocabulary concepts! 1. citizen: a person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation 1. Civic minded: concerned with civic interests or active in community affairs . 2. community: a group of people living in the same locality and under the same government 3. responsibility: something for which one is responsible; a duty or obligation 4. right: something that is due to a person or governmental body by law, tradition, or nature 5. volunteer: to performs or offer to perform a service of one's own free will; a person who does charitable or helpful work without pay

Brainstorm a list of problems in your community/world Brainstorm a list of problems in your community/world. We will compile a list of your responses and see what actions you have done to help solve these problems. Examples: Homelessness, Hunger or Animal Abuse

What do you think is meant by this quote? "The only thing necessary of the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke

Select a topic/issue that you care about. What do you want to change Select a topic/issue that you care about. What do you want to change? Why?

Exit Ticket Reflect on the following statement: "Community action should be mandatory for students to move from 7th grade to 8th grade." Do you agree with this? Why or Why not?