Lancaster Moor Management Company (2) Ltd General Meeting – 5th October 2018
Welcome and Introduction Agenda Welcome and why we’re here Progress Report from Interim Board Presentation and discussion on each of the four resolutions put forward Voting on each of the four resolutions put forward Open forum including question/answer session on items relating to the coming year(s) Any Other Business and Moving Forward Welcome Legal requirement of LMMC to hold GM – interim Board want to: secure future of building continually improve value for money improve service Need support of wider community This meeting is being audio recorded
Background First meeting of its kind, has legal standing and legal requirements One vote per unit (only 1 person per household) Being recorded and minutes taken for accuracy Results recorded with Companies House and Freeholder, Adriantic7 Postal votes will be added to this evenings vote and displayed at the end of the session Contribution toward wine and nibbles much appreciated
Who does what? Landlord (Adriatic Land 7) Management Company LMMC(2) Managing Agent (EMS/Revolution) Owns the freehold of the building and grounds within The Residence Collects Ground Rent (via Home Ground) Responsible for: The ‘Managed Property’ Collection of all monies and payment of any charges Providing services for maintenance and upkeep Ensuring relevant insurances are in place Ensuring capital reserve (sinking fund) is created and managed Responsible for: Providing quality services delegated by LMMC(2) Managing any sub-contracts for these services Collecting monies as directed by LMMC(2) Day to day site issues Receiving and dealing with all communication from residents Management of LMMC transferred to Residents in Feb 18 – interim Board in place Important to understand the different ‘players’ that affect our living environment Managing Agent – deals with ALL day to day running of The Residence Directors set direction/vision and have overall legal responsibility for finance, compliance and safety Support the RA – going forward, they are the way to get your voice heard
PROGRESS REPORT: COMPLETION WORKS The Director team have driven progress to address challenges by: Creating a structured list of nearly 600 outstanding items Establishing the process for monitoring progress Working with Lancaster City Council planning on identifying and addressing development issues A substantial number of items on list now addressed or ongoing, these include: Roadway/tarmac at west gateway now brought up to standard Car park lighting now completed Damaged carpets replacement underway Number of building structural/services issues addressed
progress REPORT: Maintenance Issues Director Team has engaged with EMS on maintenance of The Residence Including substantial input on: Ensuring work is carried out in the best interest of preserving the overall state of the building Ensuring leaks from faulty water supply installations remedied without cost to residents Monitor and manage electricity consumption in common areas Specification for gardening reviewed and remedial works undertaken by Form Proposals for improved security, incl CCTV in key areas Review of proposals for bird control measures
Resolution 1 Background Approval of 2017 Financial Accounts Interim Board and Residents have had no input into these accounts Prepared by EMS based on information from P.J. Livesey Any questions? Interim Directors recommend ‘Accept’
Resolution 1 Approval of 2017 Financial Accounts In Favour Against Abstain Adoption of financial report for 2017 Results from tonight will be added to postal votes and displayed at the end of this session
Resolution 2 Background Amendments to Articles of Association These three amendments ensure: Anyone named on the lease could stand as Director if they wish (currently only the first name on the lease can stand as director) Any long term residents (whether named on the lease or not) could stand as Director is they wish Directors have the ability to temporarily appoint non-members to bring in expertise as required – eg legal or accountancy Any questions about these proposed changes? Interim Directors recommend ‘Accept’
Resolution 2 Amendments to Articles of Association Resolution In Favour Against Abstain A Power for any party to the lease to become a member of the Management Company B Power to widen Director Eligibility to long term Residents C Power to Appoint Non-Member Directors for a limited time Results from tonight will be added to postal votes and displayed at the end of this session
Resolution 3 Background Election of Proposed Directors 5 Directors from Interim Board standing for election 2 new proposals received Statement from each proposed Director circulated to all Residents Any questions you’d like to ask any of the proposed Directors? Interim Directors recommend ‘Accept’
Resolution 3 Election of Proposed Directors In Favour Against Abstain Andy Ellis B Carl Johannessen C Steve Lalonde D Simon Oldnall E Jacqueline Stamper F Andy Stoyle G Katie Taylor Results from tonight will be added to postal votes and displayed at the end of this session
Resolution 4 Background Change of Managing Agent Not a decision taken lightly: based on 9 months of working with EMS Research into standards and expectations within the industry Robust, fair process for evaluating potential suppliers Rationale circulated to all Residents to allow time for consideration and questions Any questions you’d like to ask about changing Managing Agents? Interim Directors recommend ‘Accept’
Resolution 4 Change of Managing Agent In Favour Against Abstain Appoint Revolution as Managing Agent (Vote ‘Against’ to keep EMS as Managing Agent) Results from tonight will be added to postal votes and displayed at the end of this session
Open Forum Questions relating to future running of The Residence
Results Item Resolution In Favour Against Abstain 1 Adopt financial report 41 10 2a Any part member of LMMC 54 2b Widen Director eligibility 45 4 5 2c Appoint non-members 49 3 3a Elect Andy Ellis 3b Elect Carl Johannessen 51 3c Elect Steve Lalonde 52 2 3d Elect Simon Oldnall 3e Elect Jacqueline Stamper 53 3f Elect Andy Stoyle 55 3g Elect Katie Taylor Appoint Revolution 56
Going Forward What do you want from Directors? Email Support our Residents Association – voice, action, community Join the team – take part – make a difference Attend the next team meeting Monday 5th November – email Next Open Meeting and Social – Monday 17th December 2018