A, Brain regions showing a significant increased recruitment on fMRI scans from 10 patients with ALS relative to 10 healthy controls during right-handed movement (P < .05, small volume correction). A, Brain regions showing a significant increased recruitment on fMRI scans from 10 patients with ALS relative to 10 healthy controls during right-handed movement (P < .05, small volume correction). Modified with permission from Konrad et al.83 B and C, Areas of reduced fMRI activation in 28 nondemented patients with ALS relative to the control group during letter fluency (B) and confrontation naming (C) tasks. A reprinted with permission from Experimental Brain Research (2006;172:361–69). Copyright 2006, Springer Science + Business Media. B and C reprinted with permission from Brain (2004;127:1507–17). Copyright 2004, Oxford University Press. F. Agosta et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2010;31:1769-1777 ©2010 by American Society of Neuroradiology