Frio-Sabinal rivers (Cyprinella lepida) Nueces River (Cyprinella sp.


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Presentation transcript:

Frio-Sabinal rivers (Cyprinella lepida) Nueces River (Cyprinella sp. Hap 4 (1) Frio-Sabinal rivers (Cyprinella lepida) Hap 1 (F-9, S-20) 100 Hap 3 (5) 100 88 Hap 2 (7) 100 Cyprinella lutrensis Hap 9 (1) 100 Hap 8 (2) 100 Hap 6 (10) Nueces River (Cyprinella sp. cf lepida) Hap 10 (1) Hap 7 (1) Neighbor-joining trees of mtDNA haplotypes of Cyprinella. Numbers above and below branches indicate bootstrap-support percentages for maximum-parsimony (MP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) topologies, respectively. Branch-length scale, in percent sequence divergence, is shown at bottom right. Hap 5 (F-2, N-8) Cyprinella spiloptera 94 Hap 12 (F-1) 84 100 100 Hap 11 (F-1) Cyprinella venusta 0.02 Luxilus chrysocephalus

Frio-Sabinal Rivers (Dionda serena) Nueces River (Dionda texensis) Hap 5 (1) Frio-Sabinal Rivers (Dionda serena) Hap 2 (1) Hap 4 (1) 100 94 Hap 3 (1) Hap 1 (F-17, S-20) Hap 10 (1) 100 Hap 7 (3) 100 Hap 8 (2) Hap 9 (1) 100 Hap 18 (1) 94 Hap 17 (1) Nueces River (Dionda texensis) Hap 13 (1) Hap 16 (1) Hap 12 (1) Hap 14 (1) Hap 19 (1) Neighbor-joining trees of mtDNA haplotypes of Dionda. Numbers above and below branches indicate bootstrap-support percentages for maximum-parsimony (MP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) topologies, respectively. Branch-length scale, in percent sequence divergence, is shown at bottom right. Hap 6 (7) 98 Hap 15 (1) 100 Hap 11 (1) Dionda episcopa 99 100 99 Dionda argentosa 100 Dionda nigrotaeniata Dionda diaboli Campostoma anomalum 0.02 Nocomis micropogon