POLISH MUSICIANS By Urszula Stegienka
Perfect „Perfect” is an old music band. It was founded in 1977 in Warsaw. They play rock music. There are five men in the group. They are called: .Grzegorz Markowski-vocal .Piotr Urbanek-bass . Jacek Krzaklewski- guitar . Dariusz Kozakiewicz-guitar . Piotr Szkudelski-percussion
Concerts and albums. They often take part in various charity concerts. They also take part in various festivals. They have already released nine albums. The band is already 35 years old.
Patrycja Markowska She is both a singer and a songwriter. Her voice is very special. She sings very low alt. She is a daughter of the vocalist of the group „Perfect”. She was born in 1979. She sings genre pop / pop rock. Her band consists of: .Patrycja Markowska-vocal .Jerzy Runowski-guitar .Rafał Sędek-guitar .Marcin Koczot-keyboards .Adrian Szczotka-bass .Radosław Owczasz-percussion
Edytuj About her Her carreer began in 2000. This year she is celebrating the 16th anniversary. She has already released 6 albums. She performs in many festivals, for example, in the Polish Songs Festival in Opole. She won many Polish and foreign awards.
Kayah Kayah- Her real name is Katarzyna Szczot. She was born on 5 November 1967. She has been singing since 1988. She plays different kinds of music: folk, pop, jazz and soul. She made her debut at the Festival of Polish Songs in Opole with a song ’’Daughters” but the turning point in her career was the release of heir first album.