Breakout line Sporting Lees Summit - local rules of competition
Breakout line keeper possession
Breakout line keeper possession – ball in play
Breakout line keeper possession - ball in play
Breakout line Goal Kick
Breakout line Goal Kick – ball in play
Breakout line Goal Kick – ball in play
Breakout line not offside
Breakout line offside
Local rules of competition 2nd Grade Division (7v7) Build out line: On a goal kick or when the goalie has possession, all players from the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball either crosses the build out line or is received by another player. If the team with possession chooses to put the ball in play before the opposing team is behind the build out line they do so accepting the positioning of the opponents and consequences of how play resumes. On goalkeeper possession punts are allowed. No offside called Local rules of competition
Local rules of competition 3rd and 4th Grade Divisions (7v7) Build out line: On a goal kick or when the goalie has possession, all players from the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball either crosses the build out line or is received by another player. If the team with possession chooses to put the ball in play before the opposing team is behind the build out line they do so accepting the positioning of the opponents and consequences of how play resumes. On goalkeeper possession punts are allowed. Local rules of competition