The Life of Christ – Lesson 7 December 19, 2018 Matthew Chapters 5-7 Luke 6:20-49 The Life of Christ – Lesson 7 The Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 7:1-14 “Ask … seek … knock …” “Enter by the narrow gate …”
“Ask … seek … knock …” Verses 9-11 Three steps to one goal: Example: Cornelius Ask – Acts 10:2; “… prayed to God continually …” Seek – Acts 10:7-8; 24, 33; “… summoned his servants … explained everything to them, he sent them to Joppa”; called together his family and friends to hear what Peter had been “commanded by the Lord.” Knock – Acts 10:48. They were baptized.
“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you” Luke 6:31; Matthew 7:12 “Therefore” precedes Matthew 7:12 Notice the sequence in Luke 6 and what immediately precedes verse 31 … Love your enemies Turn the other cheek Give to everyone who asks of you … Followed by: Do good, lend, and love even to those who don’t do so to you.
“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you” Luke 6:31; Matthew 7:12 Note: this is a/an: “Personal” command rather than a “corporate” one. Jesus commanded “you.” “Active” command and not a “passive” one. Jesus didn’t say “don’t do,” but “do.” “Practical” command and not “theoretical.” Jesus didn’t say “think” but “do.” “Continual” command and not a “situational” command. Jesus said “in everything” and not when the conditions are right. “Proactive” command and not a “reactive” one. Jesus didn’t say “do as has been done” but “do as you would have done.” Jesus also did not say “do when they do for you.” It does not say, "Do not unto others what you do not wish them to do unto you." That is passive, not active, and much too narrow. Jesus did not say, "Do unto others as they do unto you." That would bring us down to the level of our lowest and meanest enemies. (Lowest common denominator) The Golden Rule is not, "Do unto others before they do unto you." That is an excuse to lie, cheat, and steal in the business world. Christ did not teach, "Do unto others when they do unto you," thus limiting our love to those who do something for us first. Nor did Jesus say, "Do unto some others as you would have them do unto you," giving a rule of partiality and prejudice.
“Enter through the narrow gate …”, Matthew 7:13-14 2 gates – small or wide 2 ways – narrow or broad 2 groups – few or many 2 destinies – destruction or life
“Enter through the narrow gate …”, Matthew 7:13-14 We all face a choice (Deuteronomy 30:15, 20; Jeremiah 21:8). All are invited to “enter.” “Enter” what? The kingdom (Matthew 5:20; 7:21) – including the “eternal kingdom” (2 Peter 1:11; 2 Timothy 4:18). Life – Matthew 19:17; Revelation 22:14 The “joy of your Master” – Matthew 25:21, 23
“Enter through the narrow gate …”, Matthew 7:13-14 “Gate” – the entry point … the manner by which we enter is either … Small or “narrow” “(from obstacles standing close about”, Strong). Restricted and difficult to be entered. Or else it is “wide” (i.e., an “open square”, Strong)
“Enter through the narrow gate …”, Matthew 7:13-14 “Way” – a way of travel. One way is “narrow” (to crowd or press (Strong & Thayer) – interesting this Greek word is most often translated to “suffer” or be “afflicted”). 1 Thessalonians 3:4; 2 Corinthians 4:7-8 The other way is “broad” (spacious; accommodating – without afflictions)
“Enter through the narrow gate …”, Matthew 7:13-14 Each “gate” and “way” “leads to” vastly different destinies: Life – John 10:10 – Jesus came to give “life … abundantly” Acts 5:20; Philippians 2:16; 2 Timothy 1:10 – through the gospel. 2 Corinthians 5:1-4 – contrast to temporal life. (1 Timothy 4:8; 6:19)