Shocking Behavior
Shocking Behavior The Devil would have us be just like everyone else – don’t stand out (Ex. 23:1-2; Lk. 6:26; 2 Tim. 3:13-14) Does your behavior shock people?
Shocking Behavior Jesus shocked people (Mk. 1:22; 5:42; 6:51; 7:37; 9:15; 10:26) The apostles shocked people (Ac. 2:12; 6:11-14; 16:20-21; 17:6-7)
Shocking Behavior Remaining married for life when approximately 40-50% of all marriages end in divorce (Mt. 19:6) Being honest when many lie, cheat, steal, and deceive (Lk. 8:15)
Shocking Behavior Sexual purity when 70-97% of all Americans have been sexually active before marriage (1 Thess. 4:3-8) Keeping your body and mind healthy while many hurt themselves (1 Pet. 4:3-4)
Shocking Behavior Knowing what your Bible says and obeying it when only 26% of people read their Bible regularly (Psa. 1:2) Being a good Samaritan when only 2.5% of people get help from a stranger in an emergency (Lk. 10:37)
Shocking Behavior Having a clean mouth when the average person uses some form of foul language in .5% of his speech throughout the day … 1 in 200 words (Eph. 4:29)
Shocking Behavior Some things like divorce, foul language, homosexuality, and abortion don’t shock anymore. Why? Desensitization! Why such behavior? To attract others to Jesus (Mt. 5:13-16; Phil. 2:15-16; 1 Pet. 2:9-12) and to be different from the world (2 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 12:2)
Shocking Behavior Use it to influence your family and friends for good Use it to do personal work or invite someone to the church service Go out and shock someone today!