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Presentation transcript:

THE PEOPLE OF GOD, part III “His Heart Was Not Loyal To the Lord” I Kings 11:1-11

MAIN IDEA When we compromise our relationship with God, we set in motion a course of events that destroys what we value and incurs the judgment of God. Holman Old Testament Commentary A Want for Wisdom: A Willed Throne from His Father A Wealth Beyond Comprehension A Waywardness beyond belief

WHEN AMBITION COMPROMISES PRINCIPLE: (vs WHEN AMBITION COMPROMISES PRINCIPLE: (vs.1-3) His Love for pleasure exceeded his love for the Word of God: (woman for him, what for you?) His alliances were more important than his morals: His heart was compromised:

THE DANGER OF AN ADJUSTED VIEW OF GOD: (vs THE DANGER OF AN ADJUSTED VIEW OF GOD: (vs.4-8) He became “Disloyal”: (vs.4) He took a lesser view of God: (vs.5) He embraced evil: (vs.6) He enabled false worship: (vs.7,8)

UNFAITHFULNESS HAS CONSEQUENCES: (vs.9-11) God visited Him: (9) “appeared twice” God commanded Him: (10) “commanded concerning this thing” God corrected Him: (11) “My Covenant, My Statues”

Check your “Ambitions” – Matt 6:33 “seek first the kingdom of God” Personal Application: Check your “Ambitions” – Matt 6:33 “seek first the kingdom of God” How is your “view of God”? Where can you step up regarding, ‘UNFAITHFULNESS’?