First Grade News June 6th - 10th 2016 Field Day is tomorrow! Students should wear their gym uniforms and plenty of sunscreen. We will be outside all day. Feel free to send in additional sunscreen. We will eat lunch in our classroom and can reapply sunscreen then if needed. Please make sure to pack a water bottle with your child’s name on it. I will not be assigning any written homework tomorrow. However, please review the math and religion study guides and read for at least 15 minutes. Thank you! Grandparents’ Day If your child will be leaving with their Grandparents or a family friend after our performance, I must have a written note from you that states with whom/how your child will be going home. Students must also be signed out from the office. Student may not leave from the gym. Remember that this is a half day of school for all students. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! End-of-Year Finals Schedule: Wednesday, June 8th – Math Thursday, June 9th – Religion Please review the study guides that were sent home. 6/10 Grandparents’ Day Location: Gym. Time: 8:30-11am. Noon dismissal for students. Teacher In-Service 6/13 HFS Picnic 6/15 HFS Movie Day 6/16 Last Day of School Report Cards will be distributed. Noon dismissal for students. Always make sure to check our school website for additional news and upcoming events.
End-of-Year Conferences Continue to read 5 days per week this summer to prepare for second grade and maintain reading proficiency. Reread short stories to continue to improve fluency and confidence. Explore chapter books to build reading comprehension and motivation. Continue to have frequent book talks with your child to monitor their comprehension. Summer reading suggestions will be sent home shortly. Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like further recommendations. Check out your local public library for summer reading incentives. Final Assessments Your child’s final assessments will be placed in their portfolios. Please contact the office if you would like to view your child’s assessments. Once all assessments have been administered, I will send home a brief report of your child’s results. Everyone did an outstanding job on their fraction pizza project. Way to go! End-of-Year Conferences If you would like to schedule a conference, please feel free to reach out to me via email.