IEEE Press Systems Science and Engineering Series Report to Press Board MengChu Zhou, Series Editor, 2/28/2019
Scope 1. SSE was launched early 2011. 2. It mainly covers SMCS, Control Systems, and Robotics and Automation. 3. Potential topics Complex systems: Internet, social network, smart grid, etc. Conflict Resolution Discrete Event Systems (to be continued) 2/28/2019
Scope: Potential topics from Distributed Intelligent Systems Distributed and networked systems Enterprise Information Systems Grey Systems Homeland Security Industrial Applications Infrastructure Systems and Services Intelligent Green Production Systems Intelligent Learning in Control Systems 2/28/2019
Scope: Potential topics from Intelligent Learning in Control Systems Intelligent Transportation Systems Medical Mechatronics Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Self-Organized Distributed and Pervasive Systems Sensor networks Service Systems and Organization 2/28/2019
Scope: Potential topics from Intelligent Transportation Systems Medical Mechatronics Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Self-Organized Distributed and Pervasive Systems Sensor networks Service Systems and Organization System of Systems Systems Biology 2/28/2019
Titles (already published) Kulkarni, Reinforcement & Systemic Machine Learning for Decision Making, 2012 Chao/Cheng, Remote Sensing and Actuation Using Unmanned Vehicles, 2012 Sadati/Dumont/Gruver, Dynamical Legged Locomotion, 2012 Yu/Tao, Modern Machine Learning: Techniques and Their Applications in Carton Animation Research , 2013 Tan/Zhou, Design of Scientific Workflows, 2013 2/28/2019
Titles (already in production) 6. Deng, Operator-Based Nonlinear Control Systems: Design and Applications 7. MengChu Zhou, Han-Xiong Li and Margot Weijnen, Contemporary Issues in Systems Science and Engineering 8. Norman Schneidewind, System Engineering of Computer Networks 2/28/2019
Titles (already signed contract) 9. Ni-Bin Chang and Ana Pires, Sustainable Solid State Management 10. Han-Xiong Li and XinJiang Lu, Model-Based Robust Design for Complex Systems 2/28/2019