The end of The Cold War Date: Objective Examine the end of the Cold War. Look at the third Russian leader during this time. Prepare for test. Warm-up: Take out homework We shall discuss the answers to the questions given last class. Question 1-8 page 88 And revision questions.
Notes Détente: an easing of tensions between the Cold War superpowers. Caused by the Cuban Missile crisis and how close they came to nuclear war. Glasnost: a policy of openness introduced by Gorbachev which allowed people to criticise the communist system. This was due to the economy not developing compared to the United States. Perestroika: a policy aimed at rebuilding the economy of the Soviet Union by allowing ordinary people to own private property and develop private enterprises. Reading pages 91-93 – questions 1-6
Notes 1961 Berlin Wall built – 1989 it is taken down by the communist rulers of Germany. 1991 Communist hard-liners try to take over the Soviet Union and are defeated. This signals the break-up of the union into eighteen separate republics. Russia approved a democratic constitution and adopted capitalist economic systems. The West won. Page 93- Questions
Cooldown I think.... Write one I know.... sentence with I wonder.... these at the start