GBIF Strategic Plan 2017-2021 Alberto González-Talaván Image by Fran Priestley, obtained via Alberto González-Talaván
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
PRIORITY 1 – DELIVER RELEVANT DATA GBIF seeks to deliver data which support scientific research (as summarised each year in the Science Review). The overall priority is to support both 1) taxonomic and species-oriented research and 2) environmental, conservation and sustsainability research and planning. All other priorities support the goal of delivering the best possible data for these uses. Engage expert communities – Deliver relevant data products
Supporting future planning Biodiversity Commitments Biodiversity Assessments Biodiversity Models Meeting big national and global needs depends on government commitments (as coordinated through the CBD). IPBES exists to coordinate global and regional assessments to guide and support these commitments. These assessments should be based on the best available models, which in turn depend on the best possible data. Coordinated work on delivering and organising biodiversity data can support this whole process. Biodiversity Data Engage expert communities – Deliver relevant data products
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
PRIORITY 2 – IMPROVE DATA QUALITY Graph showing growth in data within GBIF, highlighting the proportion of records which include at least 1) a species-level name, 2) geospatial coordinates, 3) the date of occurrence and 4) indication whether the record relates to a specimen, botanic garden plant, field observation, fossil, etc. These are shown as ”Complete” A goal must be to reduce the proportion of ”Incomplete” records Automated processing – Expert curation – Quality indicators
TODAY – FRAGMENTED KNOWLEDGE Id: CURC-00015436 Species: Acalles dubius Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 13.41 Longitude: 52.52 Distribution Modeller Uses Id: CURC-00015436 Species: Acalles dubius Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 13.41 Longitude: 52.52 Environment Agency Rejects x Id: CURC-00015436 Species: Acalles dubius Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 13.41 52.52 Longitude: 52.52 13.41 Climate Change Researcher Corrects Current tools and processes enable access to data but the work of different users does not contribute to long-term data improvement and does not enable all users to see the best and latest version Id: CURC-00015436 Species: Acalles dubius Species: Acalles camelus Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 13.41 Longitude: 52.52 Id: CURC-00015436 Species: Acalles dubius Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 13.41 Longitude: 52.52 Digitises Reidentifies Curator Taxonomist Automated processing – Expert curation – Quality indicators
FUTURE – SHARED KNOWLEDGEBASE? Environment Agency Climate Change Researcher Distribution Modeller Flags issue Global Biodiversity Knowledgebase Uses Corrects Publishes model Id: CURC-00015436 Version: 2 Species: Acalles dubius Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 13.41 Longitude: 52.52 Issue detected: Locality Id: CURC-00015436 Version: 3 Species: Acalles dubius Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 52.52 Longitude: 13.41 Id: CURC-00015436 Version: 6 Species: Acalles camelus Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 52.52 Longitude: 13.41 Sequence: ATTGCA... Image: 15436.jpg Id: CURC-00015436 Version: 4 Species: Acalles camelus Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 52.52 Longitude: 13.41 Id: CURC-00015436 Version: 1 Species: Acalles dubius Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 13.41 Longitude: 52.52 Id: CURC-00015436 Version: 6 Species: Acalles camelus Location: Berlin, Germany Latitude: 52.52 Longitude: 13.41 Sequence: ATTGCA... Image: 15436.jpg Distribution model Acalles camelus Sequences Uses Images Technician Photographer The future goal must be to enable all users to contribute together to a single shared view of the data, which continuously gets improved and linked to uses Reidentifies Digitises Curator Taxonomist Automated processing – Expert curation – Quality indicators
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
PRIORITY 3 – FILL DATA GAPS Major gaps, especially in Asia, former Soviet Union, Middle East and north Africa Comprehensive taxonomy – Target gaps – Expand publisher base
Relative volumes of data records in GBIF by year of occurrence Temporal coverage Most records are very recent Relative volumes of data records in GBIF by year of occurrence
coverAGE for different groups Plantae: 133,099,411 records Aves: 271,114,222 records Coverage varies for different groups. Largest number of records for birds but much more uneven than plants Fungi: 7,492,918 records Coleoptera: 7,124,516 records
INCONSISTENT COVERAGE and Resolution At coarse resolution, data are reasonably widely and evenly spread. At finer scales, it becomes clear that coverage is very uneven. Some intense coverage for some counties. Gridded data in other areas. Can see linguistic line through Belgium – much data from Flemish regions, less from French.
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
PRIORITY 4 – ENHANCE BIODIVERSITY INFORMATICS INFRASTRUCTURE Users need all biodiversity information to work together and for it to be possible to create synthetic complex data sets Informatics partnerships – Common standards – Stable infrastructure
Evolving the Taxonomic Framework Global checklist remains biggest problem. Catalogue of Life incomplete. GBIF, EOL and others augment it in different, incompatible ways. Need to work together on building a combined, best-possible checklist as soon as possible. All should use same species identifiers. Species databases Species databases
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
Organize Biodiversity Knowledge Empower Global Network FIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2017-2021 Deliver Relevant Data Improve Data Quality Fill Data Gaps Organize Biodiversity Knowledge GBIF has identified 5 focus priorities for the next few years Empower Global Network
PRIORITY 5 – EMPOWER GLOBAL NETWORK GBIF is network especially of national activities. Each country needs its own strategy to enable stakeholders to work together (pale blue), to mobilise data (brown), serve users (yellow) and develop national data infrastructure (dark blue) Remove barriers – Increase benefits – Enhance capacity
Developing strong national activity Training materials and capacity development activities
Free and Open Data Tools, standards, policies, licences and identifiers to support free and open data sharing and open data-driven science.