National Indian Youth Leadership Project McClellan Hall, Founder
The Project Venture Model Service Learning is critical element of the PV approach, in combination with outdoor adventure and strategic group development Evidence-based program Recognized by CSAP, NREPP, OJJDP Replicated in 23 states and Canada Recognized by First Nations Behavioral Health Assn. as Exemplary Program for Children of Color and as Best Practice for AI/AN and Pacific Island Indigenous Youth
Service Learning A methodology that links learning with various forms of service, through thoughtfully designed projects that meet the needs of the community. Learning can be connected to academic content areas or, can connect to cultural, language or other community- determined outcomes.
Service Learning Criteria Youth led Not be seen/used as punishment Focused on meaningful projects Projects based on priorities of youth Projects contain learning outcomes and are culturally appropriate Projects contain opportunity for reflection Groups adopt Full Value Commitment as guideline for group interaction
Support Needed Key people identified as support group for re- entry of the young person Staff development for support group Understanding of Full Value Commitment and Positive Youth Development approaches Staff development for detention facility staff Promote and reinforce trust, positive behaviors and attitudes
Service Learning Cycle Skills for critical assessment of the community Youth look at community issues Planning of project Identify resources Doing the project Reflection (what happened; what did we learn) Celebration
Service Learning Outcomes (re)Connecting youth with the natural world (re)Connecting youth tribal community, language and culture Youth make a contribution to the community Youth connect with elders, tribal programs and people who are doing positive work Develop 21 st Century skills, explore careers Rites of passage/metaphors
Green Projects Community Scan: what kinds of Green opportunities are there? Environmentally focused projects Building projects (ie strawbale houses) Stream/Habitat Restoration Bison Projects Solar/wind projects Range Management
Service Learning and Green Options Collaborations with agencies: Jane Goodall Institute, Wilderness Alliance, Sierra Club, tribal agencies Collaboration with Fish & Game Dept. Work with elders to build sweat lodges and assist with ceremonies Oral History possibilities Surveying, mapping sacred sites
Ideas for Green Projects Green Roofs Weatherization Organic farms/gardens Straw Bale building Community Gardens Murals Recycling Cisterns for gardens
Skills youth can take with them Communication skills, inter/intra-personal Language (Journaling) Cooperation, teamwork, interdependence Problem solving Decision making Listening Being present Respect
Full Value Commitment Set of Guidelines for how we interact within the project. Be Here (Present) Be Safe Speak Your Truth Set Goals Let Go and Move On
Traditional Arts as service learning
TANAY Model Therapeutic Adventure for Native American Youth Staff Development is critical Elements of Positive Youth Development integrated with service and green projects Integrate brain development research on Adverse Childhood Experiences
Training and staff development Strategic group building and support Based on respect for youth Positive interaction/communication Being present Youth seen as resources, potential leaders Goal setting (youth and adult staff) Dealing with being uncomfortable with process
Feedback Model Clear and specific, includes positive Check in to see if it was clear Check others perceptions Solicited, not imposed Avoids emotion-laden words Appropriate timing, deals with issues people can do something about Allows person to choose solutions/behaviors