EQ 6:How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis in the Pacific?


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Presentation transcript:

EQ 6:How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis in the Pacific? The War in the Pacific EQ 6:How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis in the Pacific?

The Philippines Japan took Guam, Wake Island, and Hong Kong half of the America’s fighter planes were destroyed US lost the Philippines in May 1942 Gen. Douglas MacArthur retreated to Australia 75,000 Americans were forced to march 55 miles in the Bataan Death March 7000 Americans and Filipinos died they will be in prison camps until 1945

The Philippines US will retake the Philippines in 1944 in the largest naval battle in history 60 Japanese ships sunk Philippines given independence in 1947

Allied War Strategy in Pacific Island Hopping the US decided to only take important islands to control the air and the sea

Allied War Strategy in Pacific Battle of Midway, 1942 Adm. Nimitz sunk 4 Japanese aircraft carriers and destroyed 100’s of planes U.S. break Japanese codes Japan never recovered and the tide of war turned

Allied War Strategy in Pacific Iwo Jima US casualties exceeded D-Day Japanese soldiers were either killed or committed suicide Okinawa US casualties close to 50,000 100,000+ Japanese died allowed the daily bombing of Japan March 9-10 the US will firebomb Tokyo 250,000 buildings destroyed (25% of Tokyo) 83,000 people killed, more than either nuclear bomb

Allied War Strategy in Pacific Navajo Code Talkers 25,000 Native Americans served in the military their language could not be decoded by the Japanese key to victory at Iwo Jima

Allied War Strategy in Pacific V-J Day (September 2, 1945) MacArthur accepted Japanese surrender on the USS Missouri Japan kept its emperor but had to write a new constitution could not have a military the US occupied Japan

EQ 6: How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis in the Pacific?

EQ 7: How did the Allies defeat the Axis Powers? The Atomic Bomb EQ 7: How did the Allies defeat the Axis Powers?

The Atomic Bomb The Manhattan Project, 1941 Einstein theorized the potential of the bomb Oppenheimer was director of the $2 billion project over 100,000 worked on the bomb Lawrence Nuclear Lab in in Oakridge, TN

The Atomic Bomb Alamogordo, NM the first test was July 16, 1945 it created a 1,200 foot crater and a mushroom cloud 8 miles high scientists 7 miles away knocked backwards It could be seen 180 miles away and heard 100 miles away a blind girl saw the flash miles away

The Atomic Bomb Hiroshima, 1945 10 feet 9700 lbs. Hiroshima, 1945 Enola Gay (B-29) delivered the 15 kiloton “Little Boy” on August 6, 1945 exploded 1,900 feet above the city (100,000,000°) shadows of people were left on the walls 100,000 were killed by the bomb or sickness from radiation Col. Paul Tibbets

The Atomic Bomb Nagasaki, 1945 10’ 8” 10,800 lbs. Nagasaki, 1945 a second 21 kiloton bomb “Fat Man” was dropped August 9, 1945 70,000 killed was this too soon? USSR declared war on Japan some argue the bomb was dropped to scare the Russians as much as the Japanese Maj. Charles Sweeney

EQ 7: How did the Allies defeat the Axis Powers?

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Atomic Bomb Essay Part B Should we drop the bomb? Why we should drop the bomb First reason Second reason Why we should not drop the bomb Conclusion (Choose One)

Atomic Bomb Essay Part C Did Truman make the right decision? Why Truman did make the right decision First reason Second reason Why Truman did make the wrong decision Conclusion (Choose One)