2013 March Plenary Closing Report Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 2013 March Plenary Closing Report IEEE P802.22 Wireless RANs Date: 2013-04-12 Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.22. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.22. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures http://standards.ieee.org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Apurva N. Mody < apurva.mody@ieee.org > as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.22 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@iee.org. > Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
Outline IEEE 802.22 WG Agenda IEEE P802.22 – Progress Report Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 Outline IEEE 802.22 WG Agenda IEEE P802.22 – Progress Report IEEE P802.22.1 – Progress Report IEEE P802.22.2 – Progress Report IEEE P802.22a – Progress Report IEEE 802.22b – Progress Report Letters of Assurance Past and Future Meetings Likely WG Motions at the March EC Meeting Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
IEEE P802.22 WG Agenda Opening Plenary Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE P802.22 WG Agenda Opening Plenary Motions at the EC - Request the chair to make the following motions to the EC Confirmation of the new IEEE 802.22 Working Group Vice Chair Motion to forward P802.22a to Sponsor Ballot IEEE P802.22 – Project Completed. Standard published on July 1st, 2011. IEEE P802.22.1 – Project Completed. Standard published on November 1st 2010 IEEE 802.22.2 – Project completed. Standard published on Sept. 28th 2012 Tutorial – None Mid-week plenary – No Mid-week Plenary Closing Plenary (Thursday, PM2) EC Meeting EC Workshop Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE P802.22.1 Progress Report IEEE802.22.1-2010 Standard was published in 2010 Revision Project on IEEE 802.22-2010 initiated that incorporates Advanced Beaconing for protection of systems in HF, VHF, UHF, and S-Band (2-4 GHz). Call for contributions made Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE P802.22 Progress Report IEEE802.22-2011 Standard was published on July 1st 2011. We would like to thank the 802.22 members and contributors, Members of the IEEE 802 Executive Committee, Members of the IEEE SA RevCom, Members of the IEEE SA Board and the IEEE SA Staff. Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE P802.22.2 Progress Report IEEE802.22.2-2012 Standard was published on Sept. 28th 2012. We would like to thank the 802.22 members and contributors, Members of the IEEE 802 Executive Committee, Members of the IEEE SA RevCom, Members of the IEEE SA Board and the IEEE SA Staff. Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
IEEE P802.22a MIBs and Managememt Plane Procedures Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE P802.22a MIBs and Managememt Plane Procedures First P802.22a WG Re-circulation letter ballot is under-way. Continuing work on MIB development. Current Response and Approval Ratio is at shown Motion to be made to the EC to forward the P802.22a to the Sponsor Ballot Total # # Respondents 29 26 Return Ratio Approve Ratio 89% 95% Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
IEEE P802.22b Enhancement for Broadband Services and Monitoring Applications 2012 2013 2014 1 3 5 7 9 11 Task Group formed x Process document Functional Requirements Call for Proposals issued Selection Criteria x x Technical/Informative Contributions Proposal presentations Baseline proposal selected Draft for 1st letter ballot 1st letter ballot completed Comment Resolution 2nd letter ballot completed Comment Resolution and recirculation Sponsor ballot RevCom/NesCom Approval Chang-woo Pyo (NICT) March 2012
IEEE P802.22 Letter of Assurance Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE P802.22 Letter of Assurance The LoAs can be found on the website at www.ieee802.org/22 as well as on the IEEE SA website Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
Future Sessions IEEE 802.22 Future Sessions are planned as follows Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 Future Sessions IEEE 802.22 Future Sessions are planned as follows Session Dates Location Plenary Nov 11-16, 2012 San Antonio, Tx Interim Jan 13 -18, 2013 Vancouver, BC March 17 – 22, 2013 Orlando, FL May 12-17, 2013 Waikoloa, HI July 14-19, 2013 ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland Sept 15-20, 2013 Nanjing, China Nov. 10-15, 2013 Dallas, Tx Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
There are no 802.22 Tutorials for this session Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 802.22 Sponsored Tutorial There are no 802.22 Tutorials for this session Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
Likely P802.22 WG Motions to the EC(2) Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0 Likely P802.22 WG Motions to the EC(2) Request the EC to confirm new IEEE 802.22 Vice Chair. Move to forward P802.22a Draft Standard on MIBs and Management Plane Procedures to the Sponsor Ballot Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems John Doe, Some Company
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems EC Motions Slide 13 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems Motion Move to Confirm Dr. Chang-woo Pyo as the 802.22 Working Group Vice Chair Slide 14 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems Motion 12 People in the room not including Dr. Pyo Move to unanimously elect Dr. Chang-woo Pyo as the IEEE 802.22 WG Vice Chair with Acclamation Discussions: None Move: Apurva Mody Second: Peter Flynn For: 9 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion is Approved. Dr. Chang-woo Pyo has been elected as the Vice Chair of the 802.22 Working Group pending confirmation from the IEEE 802 EC. Slide 15 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
EC Motion to Confirm Dr. Chang-woo Pyo as 802.22 WG Vice Chair Move to confirm Dr. Chang-woo Pyo as the 802.22 Working Group Vice Chair Move: Apurva Mody Second: Bob Heile For: 14 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion Passes Slide 16 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems Motion Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802.22a to the Sponsor Ballot Slide 17 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802 Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802.22a to the IEEE Sponsor Ballot Rules Motions requesting conditional approval to forward when the prior ballot has closed shall be accompanied by: • Date the ballot closed • Vote tally including Approve, Disapprove and Abstain votes: • Comments that support the remaining disapprove votes and Working Group responses. • Schedule for confirmation ballot and resolution meeting.
Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802 Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802.22a to the IEEE Sponsor Ballot • Date the last ballot closed: March 18th 2013, WG Re-circulation Ballot #1 • Vote tally including Approve, Disapprove and Abstain votes: Ballot Pool = 29, Response = 27 (93%), # of comments = 7 Number of Approves = 24 Number of Disapproves = 0 Number of Abstains = 3 Approval Ratio = 100% • Comments that support the remaining disapprove votes and Working Group responses – N/ A • Schedule for confirmation ballot and resolution meeting – We resolved the remaining comments this week and we are planning to launch the WG Re-circ #2 before April 15th 2013.
IEEE P802.22a Draft History and Statistics IEEE WG Letter Ballot Launch Date # of Comments Received Comment Resolution Status Response Ratio Approval Ratio Draft Status WG LB #1 (P802.22 Draft v1.0) April 2012 43 (17 Must be Satisfied) Comments were addressed and Resolved 85% 80% P802.22 Draft v2.0 Prepared WG LB #2 (P802.22 Draft v2.0) September 2012 19 (11 Must be Satisfied) 89% 95% P802.22 Draft v3.0 Prepared WG Re-circ #1 (P802.22 Draft v3.0) March 2013 5 93% 100% P802.22 Draft v4.0 Prepared P802.22 is ON TRACK to reach the Sponsor Ballot by December 2010 P802.22a Comment Database – 22-13-0055 Rev0: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/13/22-13-0055-00-0mib-tga-sb1-comment-database.xls Slide 20 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802.22a Draft Standard to the IEEE SA RevCom Time-line for the Launch of P802.22a WG Re-circ #2 and Sponsor Ballot #1 The Sponsor Ballot Pool formation will be started soon. April. 15th 2013 - Issue IEEE P802.22a Draft 4.0 April 30th 2013 – Re-circulation #2 is completed. May. 15th 2013 – Address and Resolve Comments if any. May 30th 2013 – Launch Sponsor Ballot #1 Slide 21 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems WG Motion P802.22a WG Motion 2 – Document – https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/13/22-13-0043-00-0000-march-plenary-working-group-motions.doc Move to authorize the 802.22 WG Chair to make a motion to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee Meeting for a (conditional) approval to forward the P802.22a Draft Amendment Standard on MIBs and Management Plane Procedures to the Sponsor Ballot and to launch the Sponsor Ballot based on the latest P802.22a Draft that has met all the conditions as stated in the IEEE 802 Operations Manual Move: Apurva Mody Second: Jerry Kalke Discussion: None For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion Passes Unanimously Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems Slide 22
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems EC Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802.22a Draft Standard to the Sponsor Ballot Motion to grant conditional approval as per the IEEE 802 Operations Manual to forward IEEE P802.22a to the Sponsor Ballot. Move: Apurva N. Mody, Second: Bob Heile For: 14 Against:0 Abstain: 0 Motion Passes Slide 23 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems References IEEE P802.22 WG March Plenary Motions – https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/13/22-13-0043-00-0000-march-plenary-working-group-motions.doc P802.22a Comment Database – 22-13-0055 Rev0: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/13/22-13-0055-00-0mib-tga-sb1-comment-database.xls P802.22 WG Policies and Procedures – 22-04-0001 Rev0 Slide 24 Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems
References IEEE 802.22 WG Agenda, March Plenary, Orlando, FL https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/13/22-13-0034-00-0000-march-plenary-working-group-agenda.xls Meeting minutes of the 802.22 WG January 2013 Interim: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/13/22-13-0039-00-0000-january-interim-wg-meeting-minutes.doc Apurva N. Mody, BAE Systems