As always… Lon-Capa assignments Lecture videos Textbook Read Do text homework
Office Hours My regularly scheduled office hours for Tuesdays will be changed on Tuesday, October 24 to 2-3 pm. They will resume from 10-11 am starting next week (10/31).
Clicker Question The molar enthalpy of fusion of water is 6.02 kJ at 0°C. If S° of ice is 41.3 J/molK at 0°C determine S° of liquid water at 0°C. a) 19.2 J/molK d) 61.5 J/molK b) 21.1 J/molK e) 63.4 J/molK c) 22.1 J/molK
Clicker Question (slide 1/2) You transfer equal amounts of heat (1.00 kJ) to two separate samples of 1.00 mol of an ideal monatomic gas each at 25°C. One sample is in a steel tank, and the other is in a container fitted with a frictionless, massless piston. Compare ∆S for each. ∆S for the gas in the steel tank = a) 1.10 J/K b) 1.83 J/K c) 2.97 J/K d) 3.11 J/K e) 4.95 J/K
Clicker Question (slide 2/2) You transfer equal amounts of heat (1.00 kJ) to two separate samples of 1.00 mol of an ideal monatomic gas each at 25°C. One sample is in a steel tank, and the other is in a container fitted with a frictionless, massless piston. Compare ∆S for each. ∆S for the gas in container fitted with the piston = a) 1.10 J/K b) 1.83 J/K c) 2.97 J/K d) 3.11 J/K e) 4.95 J/K