Welcome to Physics 1D03 !
PHYSICS 1D03 ES - MECHANICS Me: Dr. W. Okoń Office: ABB-150 E-mail: okon@physics.mcmaster.ca Office Hours: TBA TA: TBA Course web page – I’ll be posting news here, all lecture notes and homework problems: http://physwww.mcmaster.ca/~okon/1d03/1d03s.html
Components of the course Tutorials, quizzes 15% of the final grade Two term tests (in class) 30% of the final grade (MC + long) Final exam, 3 hours 50% of the final grade (MC + long) Class participation (i-clicker) 5% Test 1 ~ after Lecture 12 Test 2 ~ after Lecture 24
Lectures Important concepts and principles. Frequent demonstrations. Solutions to example problems. Lecture slides are posted on the web page. The slides are not the whole lecture! Take notes as we work things out on the blackboard. Read the text as well; the lectures won’t include everything. Reading BEFORE helps a lot !!!
Doing well in Physics 1D03 Keep up with the course! Spend at least a few hours every week on the course, even the weeks you have a math test and a chemistry test. Attend the lectures. Read the text. Do the problems/quizzes. Practice problems are listed on the website. Try most of these. Think hard about them; don’t give up! Work on “Questions” in the book (before “Problems”), good practice for multiple choice questions Discuss questions and problems with other students. Explaining something helps you clarify your ideas. Physics 1D3 Lecture 1
Doing well in Physics 1D03 This course is the same level as last term’s 1D03 This is you 2nd and last chance to get into engineering (if your average is too low you won’t go into 2nd year) There is no min failure rate, and 30% here is typical! Most students don’t do well because they: 1) poor math skills! 2) lack of practice solving problems 3) understanding what they are doing (> imp than #2) 4) just sit there during clicker quiz, don’t think (half the mark is for participation half for correct answer!) 5) time management (studying, homework… left for last minute) Physics 1D3 Lecture 1 6