Orcid express
What is ORCiD? ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a community initiative to address the challenges of researcher identity management. An ORCiD ID is a globally unique URL that points at an online profile maintained by individual researchers like you. Think of it as a digital fingerprint that helps your career. ORCiDs are portable: they belong to you and travel with you. ORCiDs make the search engines like Google work harder to keep your name and your publications linked together.
Who Wants Your ORCiD? ORCiD IDs are either required or requested by Nature, Science, PNAS, PLOS One, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, IEEE, ACM, DOE, NIH, FDA, AGU, and the Wellcome Trust. Since you either work for JMU or are getting a JMU degree, your ORCiD profile links your works and career path to JMU, a valuable gift of publicity that keeps on giving even after you retire or graduate. James Madison wants YOU to get an ORCiD!
JMU ORCiD Libguide Navigate to JMU Subject Guides/Multidisciplinary or All Guides/ORCiD: http://guides.lib.jmu.edu/orcid Landing page: 4:17-minute video, directions how to register for an ORCiD, general flyer for JMU Why use ORCiD page: name disambiguation examples Creating Your Profile page: instructional video, description of an ORCiD profile, the many kinds of works it supports ORCiD 4 JMU page: How creating and managing an ORCiD helps JMU, with a superb letter by former Provost A. Jerry Benson addressed directly to JMU faculty ORCiD 4 Faculty page: Benefits to faculty, including a two-page single sheet flyer ORCiD 4 Students page: benefits to students [flyer coming!] ORCiD 4 LET Staff page: benefits to LET staff, including a two-page single sheet flyer
Login with your JMU e-ID & password Required: ORCiD password, JMU e-ID & password Navigate to https://orcid.org/signin Choose Sign into ORCiD Institutional account Follow the prompts to set up login with your JMU credentials Sign in with your JMU credentials But don’t throw away your ORCiD password – you will need it for various integrations, like signing into your OSF account using your ORCiD credentials.
ORCiD Integration Examples in the Wild Raymond Enke, JMU Department of Biology Notice the links to his faculty website and SelectedWorks Educational history Lists JMU Department as employer Integration with Crossref Integration with Europe PubMed Central
Recommended Profile Fields Name Also known as Websites Other IDs Education, esp. if JMU is Alma Mater Employment, esp. if JMU is employer Funding Works
Integration 1: Impactstory Navigate to https://profiles.impactstory.org/login and follow the prompts.
Integration 2: Scopus for bibliography In your ORCiD profile, under Works, select “Add works” “search & link.” Scroll down to ”Scopus to ORCID”. Choose “Authorize”. Follow the prompts.
Integration 3: ResearcherID for bibliography In your ORCiD profile, under Works, select “Add works” “search & link.” Scroll down to ”ResearcherID to ORCID”. Choose “Authorize”. Follow the prompts.
Your ORCiD Saves You TIME Either set up Works integrations with SCOPUS, CrossRef, ResearcherID etc. or import your bibliography manually as a BibTex file (all of the major citation software programs support BibTex export). Create integrations with funding sources, like the National Endowment fot the Humanities If you need to import your ORCiD Works records somewhere, it can be batch exported as a BibTex file!
ORCiD Resources ORCiD @ JMU Presentation on Academic Identity Management Researcher Profiling Networks, Including ORCiD