Stop Work Authority & Documentation Bi-Weekly Safety Meeting August 8, 2013
What to Expect Stop Work Authority (SWA) Immediate Correction Delayed Correction Avoiding Confrontation Project and Supervisory Documentation Authority Over Work Basic Guidelines
Stop Work Authority Stop Work Authority (SWA) Project and Supervisory Documentation
Stop Work Authority The safety and well being of the individuals performing work is of primary concern over any other issues such as project schedule or budget. MSP-220, Employee Safety and Security Guidelines Two men standing on ladder-we pointed it out as not safe. Stopped the work. While stroking a control valve, grinding sparks hit us. Stopped work and talked to their fire watch to close up barrier better. While performing an SIP of a fixed skid vessel, an individual was looking inside the man way of the vessel without proper harness/fall protection. The individual was notified and a proper harness/fall protection was utilized.
Stop Work Authority Authority and Responsibility Gives personnel the authority and responsibility to require that work be stopped when a dangerous situation is observed. Prevent Unsafe Actions or Conditions The Stop Work Authority initiative is designed to make the work environment a safer place to work.
Your Authority Roof hatch closes really fast and hard. Potential head injury. Reported to client. Found a fixed ladder on H-302/303 that has no cage and limited railings. It seems very unsafe. Will report to client ASAP. Completed a Safety Event Evaluation for buffer hold tanks that do not have net between the tank and floor. The net will prevent any falling items from hitting anyone on the floor below. Management is working on corrective action. Safety shower in CRU3 obstructed by equipment & piping laid on slab - notified operator.
Immediate Correction This is a situation where you see somebody doing something unsafe and ask them to change that behavior to prevent injury to themselves or another employee.
Immediate Correction If the unsafe condition or action can be corrected immediately, stop and see it through to its conclusion. Also… Notify the client as per the client’s reporting requirements Let your PM know Note it on your SMART card Mangan and the client will want the opportunity to prevent the situation from happening again
Your Authority Submitted an Amgen SEE card for a hot steam line with no "Caution HOT" sign on it. I placed a sign on the steam line to correct the problem. Looking for available electrical circuits at field power panels, found a panel with a loose panel cover. The hinges are broken the cover could fall and injure someone or trip a breaker. I took a photo and reported findings to maintenance with location and photo. Found a black widow spider on the railing of steps from a construction trailer. Notified the appropriate site personnel who quickly sprayed the area. Small platform with one step is missing grating. Someone could step through and trip or fall. Placed orange cone in frame of step.
Delayed Correction The second level of Stop Work Authority occurs when the safety concern cannot be immediately corrected, and the work needs to stop until an acceptable fix can be put into place.
Delayed Correction If the solution is not apparent right away, the job must be stopped and the client and your PM must be notified. The job cannot be restarted until a safe method of performing the work has been found, and the client and PM authorizes the work to continue. This level of Stop Work Authority should be used when needed to prevent an unsafe, quick fix from being used. These are the times when deliberate investigation into a solution is required.
Delayed Correction Always complete a Mangan Flash Report following a If you are the employee whose work is stopped, remember that the person who stopped you is trying to help you. Contact your PM and/or supervisor immediately to let them know the concern so that a solution can be found as soon as possible. Remember that either you or your PM should also notify the client right away so that they can help you find a solution and get you back to work quickly. Always complete a Mangan Flash Report following a Stop Work Authority event.
Lessons Learned A Mangan engineer was working with electrical contractor during a turn-around. A separate contractor, crane operator, engaged in work nearby.
Lessons Learned The crane operator did not have a spotter but did make eye contact with Mangan employee, and continued to swing the crane boom with ball directly over the Mangan engineer and electrical contractor.
Lessons Learned The Mangan employee radioed a client operator who spoke to crane operator. The crane operator moved ball out only 3 feet to the side.
Lessons Learned The Mangan employee and electrical contractor picked up their work and left the area until the crane operation was completed. Their work was during a turn-around and schedule sensitive The Mangan employee took the authority to put their safety as a priority The Mangan employee also: Contacted the client’s management and their supervisor Filled out a Mangan Flash Report
Avoid Confrontation If you see something that you feel is unsafe, never feel afraid to step in and ask questions. These are non-confrontational ways to help make the work environment a better, safer place to work for everyone. "Shouldn't you be wearing safety glasses?" OR "You need to come down from there, I'm afraid you're going to fall and hurt yourself"
Unwilling to Take Action? If you have determined to NOT step into the situation that you feel is unsafe, please contact the client, your PM, or the safety 1st Responder immediately so that the concern can be investigated!
Documentation Stop Work Authority (SWA) Project and Supervisory Documentation
Authority Over Work In some cases Mangan is the assigned General Contractor, overseeing the site activity of Mangan subcontractors. In other cases Mangan may oversee or direct the work of other contractors hired by the client or other contractors on the site.
Authority Over Work cont… Protect yourself with a paper trail... Mangan employees overseeing other employees, subcontractors, and client contractors should keep a daily log noting anything of significance. Remember, these logs can protect you in the event of disputes or other entanglements.
Authority Over Work cont… From a safety standpoint, you should be sure to make notations when you instruct a subcontractor on specific safety requirements.
Basic Guidelines Use a pen and do not skip lines Insert date for all entries When transferring from another document into the log note the date of the log entry and the date of the transfer Document facts, not opinion
Basic Guidelines cont… What are some things that should be documented in a project log? Verbal changes from the client Conversations with clients or contractors that affect the project Hazardous communications from clients, subcontractors or project staff Supervisory notes on erratic employee behavior Subcontractor issues and behavior
Resources MSP 220, Employee Safety and Security Guidelines MSP 226, Construction Safety Manual Order your project journal from your office safety representative You can find the policies and forms on the Google - Safety Resource Center site