Scatter plots show the distribution of the complete set of cases at short TE (A) and long TE (B) by using the two first discriminant functions obtained for linear discriminant analysis (x axis, value obtained with the first discriminant function; y axis, va... Scatter plots show the distribution of the complete set of cases at short TE (A) and long TE (B) by using the two first discriminant functions obtained for linear discriminant analysis (x axis, value obtained with the first discriminant function; y axis, value obtained with the second discriminant function). Open circle indicates meningiomas; open square, low-grade astrocytomas; open diamond, anaplastic astrocytomas; open triangle, glioblastomas-metastases. The large black symbols show the centroid for every tumor group. With this method, new cases with unknown diagnosis are classified according to their distance to the centroids. Carles Majós et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2004;25:1696-1704 ©2004 by American Society of Neuroradiology