Feedback from LAMAS Working Group on IESS issues Agenda point 2.4a DSS Board Meeting 2/3 July 2015
Feedback from the LAMAS WG (1) Content of the future LFS Income Net monthly income of the household not included Quality of earnings (INCDECIL) variable improved Health/disability Small majority of LAMAS delegates in favour Eight yearly modules Agreement to move to a system of regular/supplementary modues Agreement on list of 6 regular topics Difficulty with timing: final decision in June 2017 LAMAS 2
Feedback from the LAMAS WG (2) Measurement of employment/unemployment Timing for implementation of model questionnaire Lay-offs in Italy Flows data Publication of experimental statistics in October 2015 (3x3 labour status transition matrices) based on 25 MS data + News Release Infra-annual rotational pattern introduced in 2015 in LU; 2017 in BE; when IESS regulation is adopted in DE Household sub-sampling Common approach for countries with a sample of individuals nearly agreed 3
Feedback from the LAMAS WG (3) Standardised variables 6 of the 7 labour market standardised variables nearly agreed Big issue on full time/part time job Monthly unemployment TF report not endorsed by LAMAS New issues to be discussed in December 2015 LAMAS Feasibility studies Proxy interviews Roadmap for the discussion of the IESS regulation 4