Welcome to DECC Development, Environment and Cultural Change
Program 09.15: Welcome, about DECC, practical info 10.00: Coffee break and SUM tour 10.30: Student organisations, more info 11.30: Meet the researchers 12.00: Lunch 12.45: SUM4100 lecture
DECC structure: http://www. uio
4 important platforms StudentWeb (semester registrations) Mine studier (My studies, personalized calendar) Fronter (PPT, syllabus, exams) Home drive (UiO Cloud, backup) www.kiosk.uio.no
To do in August Username and password Register for courses
A confirmation site follows.
To do in August Username and password Register for courses Pay semesters fee
To do in August Username and password Register for courses Pay semesters fee Semestercard (= student rights/benefits)
To do in August Username and password Register for courses Pay semesters fee Semestercard (= student rights/benefits) Student card and key card Special needs Part time and leave Deadline 1 September
Wireless network (uioguest Eduroam) The next two weeks The rest… Wireless network (uioguest Eduroam) The next two weeks Financial support and cabin trip Questions?
Contact: studentinfo@sum.uio.no Good luck and enjoy! Contact: studentinfo@sum.uio.no