Data aggregation and products generation in the Mediterranean Sea EMODnet Chemistry 3, First Annual Meeting, Roskilde, Denmark, 6 - 8 February 2018 I will make the presentation on behalf of Sissy Iona, who could not attend Sissy Iona HCMR-HNODC
Data aggregation and products generation in Mediterranean Sea The activity includes: Eutrophication data harvest, by MARIS, November 2017 (completed) Data aggregation, November 2017 (completed) in case of Mediterranean the aggregation was done by Reiner Schlitzer, with the latest ODV5.0 beta in communication with the coordinators & regional leader on which P35 terms to include Quality control using and data validation using the latest ODV4 (on going) Preparation of the data products (using DIVAnd preferably) and the corresponding metadata for the products catalogue (end of April, M14) As it was already presented by the previous regional leaders, the activity includes 4 steps: 1) the Eutrophication data harvest, that was done by MARIS using a robot harvester system. Harvested data were received by HCMR on November 2017. 2) For the Mediterranean the aggregation was done by Reiner Schlitzer in communication with the coordinators – regional leaders on which P35 terms to include 3) Currently, we are performing the quality control of the data 4) Finally, we are going to prepare the DIVA maps, end of April 2018 2/28/2019
Aggregated collections for Mediterranean 31 P35 aggregated parameterss 4 aggregated collections: Non-Restricted Data profiles time series Restricted Data P01 codes are maintained (a new feature in ODV5) The aggregated data are split in four collections: restricted on non-restricted profile and time series data. Within each collection all the identified P35 parameters are maintained, but not necessarily all columns contain measurements. P01 codes are maintained in the collections so as to know where the P35 aggregated data come from.
Content of aggregated collections – Profile data Parameters Number of profiles Number of points Period Ammonium [umol/l] 7215 41721 1970-2016 Chlorophyll-a [mg/m^3] 17267 5505117 1971-2017 Dissolved oxygen concentration [umol/l] 48482 7348096 1911-2017 Nitrate [umol/l] 13792 108923 1928-2016 Nitrate plus nitrite [umol/l] 1523 14742 1975-2013 Nitrite [umol/l] 12975 91858 1960-2016 pH 15189 228259 1930-2015 Phosphate [umol/l] 15758 117267 Silicate [umol/l] 13892 106650 1950-2016 Total nitrogen [umol/l] 1032 2316 1983-2015 Total phosphorus [umol/l] 1383 3196 1978-2016 Non restricted profiles: 60876 Restricted profiles: 40650 Parameters Number of profiles Number of points Period Ammonium [umol/l] 6955 21463 1987-2015 Chlorophyll-a [mg/m^3] 9048 296995 1986-2015 Dissolved oxygen concentration [umol/l] 25983 2168057 Nitrate [umol/l] 6040 25905 1987-2014 Nitrate plus nitrite [umol/l] 5845 27863 Nitrite [umol/l] 8633 34503 1985-2015 pH 11137 262204 1986-2014 Phosphate [umol/l] 13386 59825 Silicate [umol/l] 11141 54473 Total nitrogen [umol/l] 2114 3032 1997-2013 Total phosphorus [umol/l] 2924 5297 1990-2011 This slide describes the profile data in the two collections. The collection with the higher number of CDIs is the non-restricted profile data, with a total number=60876 profiles, as it is shown at the top right geographical map. The restricted profiles are about 40.000 The tables on the left summarizes the parameters included in the currents collections for which DIVA maps have been produced in the previous phase of the project. Compared to the number of data used so far in the products, there is an increase in this harvest. As we keep the two collections (of restricted and non-restricted data) here separately we cannot show in this presentation the improvement in the spatial and temporal distributions. But the general increase in absolute numbers can bee seen at the next slide …
Number of profiles, used in EMODnet Chem2 Project Increase in the number of CDIs in this harvest compared to the data used in the previous phase Parameters Number of profiles, used in EMODnet Chem2 Project Number of profiles, Νov. 2017 Ammonium 14563 14170 Chlorophyll-a 22253 26315 Dissolved oxygen 70794 74465 Nitrate 21875 19832 Nitrate plus nitrite 5393 7368 Nitrite 23101 21608 pH 27536 26326 Phosphate 27894 29144 Silicate 23102 25033 Total nitrogen 5623 3146 Total phosphorus 7628 4307 Of course in the Diva analysis both restricted and non-restricted data will be used.
Content of aggregated collections – time series data Non restricted time series: 6415 Parameters Number of time series Number of points Period Ammonium [umol/l] 3612 47001 1974-2015 Chlorophyll-a [mg/m^3] 1537 119672 Dissolved oxygen concentration [umol/l] 4638 218067 Nitrate [umol/l] 3293 30467 1978-2015 Nitrate plus nitrite [umol/l] 2259 10764 Nitrite [umol/l] 3284 30418 pH 3684 137526 Phosphate [umol/l] 3728 49299 Silicate [umol/l] 2454 39454 Total alkalinity [mEquiv/l] 1981 5996 1978-2008 Total nitrogen [umol/l] 1001 3611 1980-1999 Total phosphorus [umol/l] 2665 28409 Restricted time series: 3921 Parameters Number of time series Number of points Period Ammonium [umol/l] 3146 5335 2000-2015 Chlorophyll-a [mg/m^3] 1 4932 2016 Dissolved oxygen concentration [umol/l] 3616 48624 Nitrate [umol/l] 3155 5420 Nitrate plus nitrite [umol/l] 2748 3637 2000-2010 Nitrite [umol/l] 3103 pH 2995 5397 Phosphate [umol/l] 3099 5298 Silicate [umol/l] 3140 5357 Total alkalinity [mEquiv/l] 471 1748 Total nitrogen [umol/l] 3062 5013 2000-2014 Total phosphorus [umol/l] 3014 4965 This is the time series data distributions. Compared to the previous phase of the project, there is also an increase. The geographical extend remains the same
Common format errors NUMBER ODV FILES WARNING MESSAGE COMMENTS 94 ERROR: Header line. 'PON' is not in the semantic header. Cannot import this variable. 36 Header line. 'POC' is not in the semantic header. Cannot import this variable. 1 Multiple LOCAL_CDI_ID; no depth values. Cannot import this file. 23 No data found. same code (P01) and different units (P06). The most common format error is that two parameters have same code and different unit. Data originators have been already contacted. In general 375 ODV files were not included in the collections due to format errors. In total, 375 ODV files were not imported in the collections due to format errors
Quality Control of data Current Work Quality Control of data Current work includes the quality control of data. We will focus in the coming weeks to the communication with the partners in order to correct the new and the remaining errors in their local datasets.