Bell Ringer Monday August 8, 2016 Journal: Describe what you think a normal school day was like for your parent. Expectation: 5-7 complete sentences Be prepared to share with your partner.
Learning Target and EQ ELAGSE9-10RI1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ELAGSE9-10RI2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; I can . . . Identify details to support an analysis of a text EQ: What does it mean to closely read a text?
Opening Question for Consideration: What does it look like when your doctor is trying to figure out what is making you sick? Consider when thinking about questioning and details Criminal Minds Law and Order Discuss with elbow partner: how the characters utilized questioning and details to gather information.
Work Period Step 1 I do: Classrooms of the Past: a photo Pulling details; the difference between details and inferencing. We do: “A Modern Classroom” Work in pairs to pull details and inferences Be prepared to share Step 2 I do: Creating a caption using the details (use 1st photo). We do: With a partner create a caption using the details from the second photo. "WRITING SMART"--writing smart is packing your sentences (captions) with meaning that can be proven from your close reading of a text :-)
Common Formative Assessment As a CFA, work individually to analyze a 3rd photo - 3 details and caption
Closing Index card - Rate your understanding of using details and inferencing to analyze text 1 – I got it – I can do it and I can teach it 2 – Almost got it – need a little more practice 3 – Nope – have no clue! Need a lot of help and practice