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Change category names by double clicking on them and typing in new category Choose a Daily Double answer: Right click on a button, go to action settings, choose hyperlink to Slide…, select Slide 3, OK. Scroll to the next slide to link to the appropriate category slide Act V Characters Quotes Background 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 This button goes to Final Jeopardy answer 400 400 400 400
Daily Double! Create a hyperlink to the appropriate category slide
Act V 100 Romeo goes to the Apothecary to ______ Click on column heading to enter category name Click on Place answer here to enter answer Act V 100 Click on What is to enter questions Romeo goes to the Apothecary to ______ Right click each black box, action settings, choose play sound, and select sound for either right or wrong answers Selecting sounds: right click on box, check box for play sound, click on Other sound… Navigate to sound folder in Jeopardy folder, click on sound to be used. buy poison
Act V 200 Why was Friar John not allowed to enter Mantua? The thought he might have the plague.
Act V 300 What was Paris’s last request? To be placed beside Juliet.
Act V 400 How does Juliet kill herself? With a dagger
Characters 100 Hot-headed relative of Juliet Tybalt
Characters 200 Romeo’s forgotten love Rosaline
Characters 300 Romeo’s servant Balthasar
Characters 400 Made the decree that there will be no more fighting in the streets. He was Prince _______ Escalus
Quotes 100 “Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?’ Juliet
Quotes 200 “Let two more summers wither in there pride, ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.” Lord Capulet
Quotes 300 “Hold, there is forty ducats; let me have a dram of poison.” Romeo
Quotes 400 “Susan and she – God rest all Christian souls were of an age.” Nurse
Background 100 What was the name of Shakespeare’s theater? The Globe
Background 200 What country was Shakespeare born in? England
Background 300 How many times was the Globe Theatre constructed? Three times
Background 400 What did Shakespeare receive that most children of this time period did not? Hint: Contributed to his ability to write! Education
Final Jeopardy! Final Jeopardy
Quotes Who said “. . . there art though happy. A pack of blessings light upon thy back,” and when?