Debi Waite Consultant for LG Regulation Additional Licensing Debi Waite Consultant for LG Regulation Insert date Insert website
LG Regulation Discretionary Licensing Project General consent – April 2010 CLG commissioned LG Regulation to provide guidance and support Project runs until March 31st 2011 Bespoke support for 12 Councils Production of a Legacy Resource Project centres around a Community of Practice
Additional Licensing – main points Area of designation Type of HMO A significant proportion of the HMOs of that description in the area are being “managed sufficiently ineffectively as to give rise, or likely to give rise, to one or more particular problems either for those occupying the HMOs or for members of the public”.
Additional Licensing - Considerations Must ensure AL is consistent with your overall Housing Strategy, Homelessness Strategy and policy for dealing with anti social behaviour Must adopt a co-ordinated approach in dealing with overlapping issues of homelessness, empty properties and asb affecting the private rented sector
Considerations continued.. Have regard to other possibilities – combining licensing under Part 2 with other courses of action available to you – injunctions restraining asb or other steps which may be taken by others. Other courses of action available to you which might prove an effective way to address the problems faced.
Other courses of action Management orders to address problems associated with individual or small numbers of HMOs in a specific area. Accreditation Schemes Work of other agencies such as Police, Voluntary Sector, ASB practitioners, social services etc. in tackling matters. Targeted operations
Workshop Exercise In your groups consider an area/district and discuss the main issues of concern. How widespread are they? Can you factually support the issues? Who would you engage to work with you on the issues? If licensing did not exist what would you do? What resources would it take?
Small Exercise in your groups when pursuing Additional licensing Designations To be revealed in workshop
Additional Licensing - preliminary research What are the issues/problems – facts What partners will you need to succeed What interventions have been pursued or Why would they not work if you had pursued them What will you do in the 5 years that will make the difference What resources do you have
Additional Licensing - Consultation Must be robust Make a clear supported business case If using questionnaires do so carefully Consult with all in the affected area and those adjacent to it Gather responses – you will need to reply to them Analyse responses objectively
Additional Licensing – 5 year program You only have 5 years Set out clearly what you hope to achieve and how you will achieve it Consider the risks Have a strategy for evaluating and measuring the affect of the scheme from the beginning