Mapskills How do we use maps?
If you click on the globe you will return to the Contents Page What are maps? Compasses . . . Using Direction Map symbols 4 Figure Grid Refs 6 Figure Grid Refs Finding heights Distance & Scale Describing Routes Practice . . . . You can click on each of the Contents and you will be taken straight to this place If you click on the globe you will return to the Contents Page
What are maps? What do you see on the cow? Maps are a way for us to see what the world looks like. It is a method that geographers use to locate different things and to help us find our way from one place to another
FACT: You have probably all used maps at some time in your life! Have a brainstorming session with a partner to try and think where you have used a map in the past
Look at the following 5 maps and write down what and where you think they show
Map 1: Where is this and what does it show?
Map 2: Where is this and what does it show?
Map 3: Where is this and what does it show?
Map 4: Where is this and what does it show?
Map 5: Where is this and what does it show?
So where are those places? Map 4 is a street map of Brampton Map 5 is a map of the elevation points of Canada Map 1 is the Mappa Geographica which is a map of the world and was drawn in 1703 Map 2 is Ontario and the map shows the main towns and roads Map 3 is a Satellite Image of the World taken in 2001 Did you get them all right?
So, What are maps? Maps are used to help us to represent a place. It allows us to look at the location and surrounding area and environment of a place.
Compasses are used to show the direction of places on maps Compasses are used to show the direction of places on maps. This is very important so that we can know how to use the map to move from one place to another. There are 2 types of compass that you should use . . . .
The 4 point compass The 8 point compass North West East Never South Wheat Eat The 8 point compass N NW NE Shredded E W SE SW S
How do we use map symbols?
Why do we use symbols? When drawing a map to scale it is important to include as much detail as possible – however not all the detail will fit on the map so we have to use a key of different symbols, abbreviations and letters to represent the main items on the map
Think about it this way . . . . Imagine that you have to draw a map that shows the route from your house to the school – but you are not allowed any words . . .this means that we need to use symbols to show what we would pass on the way . . .
How can we work out distances on a map? Distance and Scale How can we work out distances on a map?
What is scale? Maps cannot be the same size as the objects are in reality or they would not fit on the page! Therefore we use scale to show the real distances between places by making everything smaller.
How do we measure distance on a map? If you want to find out the distance between two places on a map there are 2 methods to use. One method looks at the straight line distance (as the crow flies) and the other measures the actual distance, by road, river etc, and usually involves going down bendy lines.
Measuring a straight line distance This is very simple to use. Use your ruler to rule the distance between the 2 places Then compare your answer to the scale of the map (This is usually in the bottom corner of the map and for most maps that you use this will be 1cm = 50,000cm (0.5Km)
Measuring around a bend This is a bit more complicated. You need to use a piece of scrap paper to use to find out the distances. Find the first straight edge and lay the paper down along side the road that you are measuring Mark on the start and end point Find the next straight edge and continue the measurement Continue this until the road is fully measured and then use your ruler and scale to work out the final distance