Nebraska Crime Commission Michael Overton Deb Caha Mike Fargen
NCJIS CJ data portal with a variety of CJ and related data Recent updates to NCJIS Administration All agencies will need to have an agency administrator go through updated training Will require updated MOU NCJIS Training July
NCJIS Misuse of NCJIS DMV OLN Photos All cases of misuse of NCJIS or data from NCJIS must be reported to the Crime Commission NCJIS is only for official business Shows need of requirement for each user to have their individual account DMV OLN Photos Not directly available to Co Attys from NCJIS Only for official use – not PR
NCJIS CONNECT available OLN data and photos from KS, WY, AL, NE - LE N-DEx is now available National data search from the FBI from state and locally submitted data Request starts with NSP Tom Prevo (402) 479-4927 Once approved we will grant access to training modules on NCJIS When completed the user can get access to N-DEx
NCJIS Routing of citation images from NSP Will be adding local citations Eliminates NSP staff time to deliver hardcopy Images (court and prosecutor copies) are available quickly and ongoing Data is now available to import into CMS Data and image routing lay the foundation for eFiling
Electronic Filing - eFiling Initiative of the AOC (Supreme Court) Sherri Dennis Currently doing civil eFiling Looking at eFiling of criminal cases next Interface with SU’s CMS Traffic case eFiling will follow Looking at options to leverage NCJIS for agencies that do not use CMS
CMS Case Management System June Geddie Software Unlimited Offered licensing through grant funds To assist in acquiring common software To implement interfaces Similar to efforts for LE RMS, Detention JMS Work continues to do upgrades, training, interfaces As funding allows June Geddie President, Software Unlimited
Questions? Michael Overton Chief, Information Services Division Nebraska Crime Commission 402-471-3992