2016 Maintenance Innovation Challenge USMC Event Based Maintenance (EBM) CONCEPT BENEFITS Deliberate approach to Condition Based Maintenance (CBM+) starting with EBM Leverage NAVAIR investment in CBM+ tools and processes Maximize interoperability of IT systems to provide collaborative environment across operations, maintenance, and acquisition/lifecycle management Formalize requirements within JCIDS process for acquisition rigor and sustainment resources Minimizes upfront investment and risk Reduces USMC development lead time to Zero Maximizes commonality of tools and processes across Marine Air and Ground Forces, plus Naval Aviation Enables Ecosystem of data sharing for Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) of maintenance plans, fleet management, and equipment scheduling TIMELINE COST FY 2014: Release MCO 4790.25 with CBM+ requirements; Demonstrate EBM integration with GCSS-MC; Initiate EBM pilot for preventive maintenance with LVSR FY 2015: Perform CBM+ Capabilities Based Assessment (CBA) to document gaps and risks FY 2016: Expand pilot to additional platforms and to corrective maintenance FY2017: Pilot EBM integrated with TCPT and wireless environment FY2018-2020: Pilot integration with TCPT and GCSS-MC; Complete JCIDS and transition to POR Total investment FY2014-16 is $977k Projected cost through 2020 is $1,600k Pilot analysis of 18 month period from Oct 2013 on 2nd TSB LVSR Preventive Maintenance: $280k in documented parts avoidance 6,000 maintenance manhours avoidance