T-Shirt Design Competition Proposal #SJIJ Number 1 Fan SJI-PTA T-Shirt Design Competition Proposal
Purpose This T-shirt is to be worn by supporters (parents and students) at external competitions
Objective To identify the best design for the T- Shirt To encourage parents/students/teachers of SJIJ to explore their creativity through the design competition
Guidelines Open to all current students, teachers and parents of SJIJ The winning design should incorporate the following details: SJIJ Number 1 Fan School Crest All entries will be exhibited (Venue TBC) Winning entry will receive the following: Prize of S$200 from Art Friend A visit to SJI Independent Art Elective Department (TBC) or A learning session with NAFA (TBC)
Submission All entries are to be in hard copy no larger than A4- size The T-shirt based colour is ________. Maximum 2 colours only (excluding T-shirt colour) A short write-up of not more than 50 words to explain the design. Submission deadline: ___________ Judges decision is final