Watershed Council May 29, 2008
2008-2009 Projects Past Projects Recent Projects- 2007-2008 Approved Concepts- 2008-2009
Past Projects www.nbwatershed.org/pages/library.php NBWA Strategy Session 5/2/08 Review and Evaluation
Recent Projects- 2007-2008 * Watershed Awareness-($50k in budget) “Signs” $15k Marin, Sonoma, and Napa have purchase orders “North Bay Salmonid Monitoring Program” $34k Contract signed with CEMAR-March 2008 *Laterals ($12.5 k in budget + $112.5 k match) -Contracts signed- $90k - May 9, 2008 kickoff mtg. held
Approved Concepts 2008-2009 1) NBWA Fact sheet - WC - $12.5k -Report and Webpage- TBI lead with SEC 2) Conservation-pilot “off the grid” - SCWA $25k -Report-survey of use, potential incentive programs, feasibility of outreach, grant opportunities 3) Indicators/Performance Measures SFEI, SEC, TBI- $ 43k -Project team, synthesis of systems, 3 workshops-develop consensus on performance measures and indicators, Report and revised NBWA performance measures
Under Review by Habitat /Floodplain TC -Document data base -SEC $25k ? -Petaluma TAG-SSCRCD- ~ $13k *SFEI grant for ~$100k for impairment assessment -?? Next Meeting H/F TC- Monday July 14 from 10:00 am-noon at the Marin Civic Center in Room 304.