#5 CHAPTER 4 South Asia CCOT Indus, Mauryan, Gupta 3000 b.c.e. to 550 c.e. Next week we will reflect on how the sub-continent of India has changed +/or evolved over time. Examine the next slide, your spices charts and add your thoughts to slide 3. Complete slide 3 by Tuesday, print it out and bring it to class on Tuesday.
Change or Continuity Over Time Indus: 3000-1500 b. c. e. +. 2000-600 b Change or Continuity Over Time Indus: 3000-1500 b.c.e. + 2000-600 b.c.e. Mauryan: 326-184 b.c.e. Gupta: 320-550 c.e.
What was significant about each era? INDUS VALLEY MAURYAN GUPTA 1st Wave Civilization 2nd Wave Civilization 3,000 – 1500 bce and 1500 - 600 b.c.e. 326-184 b.c.e. 320-550 c.e.