Aim: Describe Incan Government and Religion
Inca Build an Empire Inca originally lived in a high plateau of the Andres Inca settled in fertile lands in Valley of Cuzco 1200’s: they established their own small kingdom 1500: Inca ruled an empire that stretched 2,500 miles along the western coast of South America Inca called it “Land of Four Quarters” Had a powerful military Used force only when necessary Were considered cleaver diplomats Before attacking, they offered enemy states an honorable surrender 2
Incan Government Creates Unity To control the huge empire, the rulers divided their territory and its people into manageable units Inca built many cities in conquered areas All roads led to the capital Cuzco Main demand Incan state placed was tribute in the form of labor (Mita) Required citizens to work certain number of days for state Inca had ambitious public works program Built road system that 14,000 mile trade network Created accounting device for math (Quipu) Used to record data 3
Religion Supports the State Religion was important to Inca Worshipped fewer gods than Aztecs Focused on nature spirits (Moon, Stars, Thunder) Primary Inca god was a creator god called Viracocha Temple of the Sun in Cuzco was most sacred of all Incan Shrines Decorated heavily in gold Other Incan cities had served a ceremonial purpose Ex: Machu Picchu 4