Workshop on Organising Paths – Paths of Organising Free University of Berlin, Harnack-Haus 3-4 November 2006 Chaired by Peter Karnøe, Guido Möllering and Jörg Sydow
Introduction: Background of the Workshop Exchange of ideas between diverse ‘path researchers’ From path metaphor to path theory! Research perspectives informed by social theory Theories of structure, action and their interplay Path dependence and path creation Thematic focus on ‘Organising’
Areas of Application for Path Theory
Closing Session (1): Observations, Conclusions, Suggestions Multi-level concept. What is the focus? Power and path dependence Path characteristics, time, sequence Defining paths? Types of path? Reluctance to find a common approach? Terminology. Increasing research impact.
Closing Session (2): Observations, Conclusions, Suggestions Time and process: operationalisation Sunk costs – increasing returns? Research on future developments Endogenous and exogenous influences Open the black box of technology
Closing Session (3): Observations, Conclusions, Suggestions Towards a path theory? Insider and/or outsider perspectives? Ontological, epistemological and methodological issues remain! Sub-theme 14 at EGOS 2007 Vienna: “Path dependencies and beyond”