Assessment for Learning March 10, 2015 Heather Rottermond Sandy Riley
Today’s Agenda See your handout
Introduction and Welcome Our Group Agreements Have fun Stay engaged Be open to the process Listen for understanding Support each other’s learning Begin/end on time “Step up/Step back”
Today’s Learning Targets I am able to reflect and share my growth around assessment literacy with my peers. I am building awareness around my role and commitment to this work for 2015-2016 school year. I am prepared to teach my unit/lessons. I understand that part of this process is building relationships within and across districts for the purpose of deepening my knowledge of assessment literacy and building my own support network.
2015-2016 School Year Plans CASL Training June 22-25 EMU COB, July 27-30 LESA, and August 17-20 WISD Free Invite 4 teachers from your building They are your friends They are committed to this work They have a buddy with them Your teachers will attend the first two days, with the option of using the other two days to work on units with your support
2015-2016 School Year Plans (continued) Your commitment Participate in 6 face-to-face meetings and 2 online meetings with us so we can support you Use that time for self-reflection and learning Use that time for planning to facilitate your own group Develop leadership skills Prepare to be a trainer for your school/district/county Facilitate your colleagues back in your building to help them with their first year Hold 7-8 meetings with your teachers Report back to our core group so we can support you Monthly meeting with principal Board presentation
Planning Board Presentation Get on your Board’s agenda to present 5-10 minute presentation Things to include: What is Assessment Literacy? How did you implement it into your classroom? Results of student learning Example
1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality POTTY BREAK – 15 minutes 1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Have participants find a partner and discuss the questions on the slide. They will also need to be looking at the handout. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 10
Conversation Roundtable Reflection Count off by 8 Group share/Discussion
Reread Chapter 8 (15 minutes) Line-Up Discussions “Commit and Toss” Reread Chapter 8 (15 minutes) Line-Up Discussions Should students be able to retake tests? Should homework count towards final grades? Should teachers re-teach learning targets students have not yet mastered? Debrief
Work/Planning Time Plan your next unit and consider how you will collect evidence of student learning (data). This will be helpful to include in your board presentation. Refer to Chapter 9. Plan to support students who got it, partially got it, or didn’t get it
1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality POTTY BREAK – 10 minutes 1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Have participants find a partner and discuss the questions on the slide. They will also need to be looking at the handout. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 16
Wrap Up and Homework Sign in and out (even if you are not getting SCECHs…we submit these to your buildings) Next meeting is April 21 Homework Read Chapter 9 Get on Board Agenda after May meeting Administer post-survey to students when finished with your second unit and bring it to the April meeting