Types of Fraternity Hazing
Subtle Hazing Subtle hazing usually involves activities that ridicule, embarrass or humiliate new members Deception Deprivation of privileges granted to other members Requiring new members to perform duties not assigned to other members Line-ups and tests on information or meaningless information Socially isolating new members Name calling Requiring new members to refer to other members with titles Expecting certain objects to always be in a new member’s possession, or taking possession of his/ her items without asking for permission Expecting new members not to maintain their normal class study or schedule
Harassment Hazing Include behaviors that can cause emotional distress or physical discomfort to the new member Verbal abuse, including criticizing individuals Threats Asking new members to wear embarrassing or humiliating attire Performing stunts that are degrading, crude, or humiliating Expecting new members to perform personal service to other members such as carrying their books, running errands for them, cooking, cleaning, and other tasks Sleep deprivation Sexual stimulations Expecting new members to be deprived of maintaining their normal hygiene routine Expecting new members to harass others
Violent Hazing Include behaviors that can cause physical, emotional or psychological harm to the new member Forced alcohol or drug consumption Beating, assault or blunt-force trauma by striking with fists or other objects Forced ingestion of vile substances Burning Over-consumption of food, water or other substance Expecting new members to abuse animals Public nudity Expecting activities that would be illegal, unlawful or morally offensive to new members such as shop lifting Forced conduct that would embarrass the new member Bondage Abductions, kidnapping or holding the new member against his/her will Forced exposure to cold weather or extreme heat without appropriate protection
Are you or Your Loved one a Victim of Fraternity Hazing? Contact our fraternity hazing lawyers at The Reinken Law Firm. We are dedicated to obtaining justice for victims that are injured or killed as a result of fraternity hazing.
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