Outer dynamics Inner dynamics
ADAPTATION; BARRIERS Organizational grammar Tradeoffs: Barriers exploration/exploitation, adaptation/control, stability/flexibility Barriers Expertism: Experience, safe pair of hands, neurons that fire together wire together, mind sets Complexity catastrophe: complex networks, percolation, (SDIC perhaps),TBTF Path dependence: opportunities, leverage, resource/asset base Overcoming barriers Autonomy, hierarchy, diversity tradeoffs again
Selected References Beinhocker, Eric D. "On the Origin of Strategies." The McKinsey Quarterly. McKinsey & Company, Inc., 22 Sept. 1999. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. Beinhocker, Eric D. “The Adaptable Corporation.” McKinsey Quarterly, 2 2006, Pp 76-87 [Electronic Resource]." Beinhocker, E. - The Adaptable Corporation. McKinsey Quarterly, 2 2006, Pp 76-87 | University of South Wales. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.