How could quality standards benefit target populations? Inputs Activities Outputs Reach Outcomes Impact Existing quality standards Development of EDPQS and support materials Introductory materials Decision makers Awareness of ‘quality’ as an issue Increased quality of preventive work EMCDDA Manual & Quick Guide ‘EDPQS champions’ Practitioners Motivation to achieve quality standards Changes in professional prevention culture Translation/ adaptation and publication of quality standards Funding Programme developers Skills (e.g. knowing how to apply EDPQS) Potential target audiences EDPQS Toolkits Researchers Evaluators Dissemination of EDPQS Better outcomes for target populations New sets of standards based on EDPQS Supportive partners Adoption (using EDPQS) EDPQS champions Trainers This slide shows a simplified version of the EDPQS Theory of Change. The Theory illustrates the mechanisms through which the introduction of quality standards is supposed to lead to better outcomes for target populations, thus also emphasising under what conditions the EDPQS can achieve their aim. In a presentation, the last two columns should be highlighted. Under “Outcomes”, it is hoped that dissemination of the EDPQS will help people to become aware of the need for quality in prevention, to become motivated to meet quality standards, and develop the skills required to apply quality standards. This should then lead to people adopting quality standards in their work (e.g. using them to review prevention activities) and taking the necessary steps to improve prevention practice. This would lead to the desired “Impact”: increased quality of preventive work, changes in the professional culture, and better outcomes for target populations. The slide reminds us that the ultimate aim of any prevention-related activity, including the introduction of quality standards, is to achieve better outcomes for target populations. For more information about the theory of change, please refer to the document “EDPQS Theory of Change”, available for free at Implementation activities Outputs of dissemination activity (e.g. workshops) Supportive structures Implementation (changing how things are done) General public Ultimate target populations The ultimate aim of EDPQS is to achieve better outcomes for target populations